This week we are reminded of the Parable of the Sower and are asked to reflect on the type of soil that we provide. Are we open to the word of God, where His Word can flourish and grow or are we closed off to His love and mercy? A deep question indeed, but one that we should all consider. Year 1 have proved that have the perfect soil for the love of the Lord to grow and they have continued to make me very proud of each and every one of them this week. Well done Year 1.
This week we have been learning…
English - we have started a Superhero topic this week, focusing on adjectives and how to describe our own superhero. These have been fabulous! We have been concentrating on our correct use of punctuation, spelling on Common Exception words and structuring our sentences correctly. We have also been working on our phonics and pre-cursive handwriting.
Maths - this week we have focused on measuring using non-standard measures. This week we have been comparing objects using the words tallest, longest, shortest and have used cubes to measure with. Next week we will move onto using rules and cm.
RE - this week has been all about the miracles of Jesus and we have started with the Calming of the Storm. We have also thought about the Good News of Jesus and what our role is i spreading the Word.
Science - this week we have started to recap our Materials topic as this was the unit taught during lockdown. (This is because we have completed the rest of our curriculum, so this gives us time to recap this unit) This week we looked at the difference between object and material and words that we can use to describe their properties.
Topic - this week we started our Rainforest topic - we will been focusing on the Amazon, but this week we looked at where in the world the rainforests are and the layers of a rainforest.
Art - this week we painted our summer trees, getting ready for our Summer board! See photos below.
All of the children have worked hard this week, but these are the children we are celebrating…..
Golden Award - Beaux for settling so well into Year 1 and making new friends this week.
Golden Award - Charlotte for helping a new member of class settling into Year 1 and being a great friend.
Writing Award - Jackson for super Science recording about materials.
Maths Award - Martha for fabulous comparison work in Measuring this week.
Thank-you so much for continuing to respect Social Distancing measures at drop off and pick up times and wearing your masks. These measures are so important to ensure everyone’s safety at school and to ensure that our Year 1 bubble remains open to all. Can I please stress the importance of the one way system at pick up time - IN on the Common Edge Road entrance and OUT down the drive onto Thornhhill Close.
Things to remember……
PE continues to be on Monday and Friday - no earrings on these days please
Bring your school water bottle each day.
Think about sun cream and hats in this weather - we try to be outside as much as possible when the weather is kind to us.
Reading books will be changed on your child’s reading day - we will only be able to send home a basket book each week - Guided Reading books will remain in school. We still have to quarantine books for 72 hours before they are sent home to anyone else. This limits the number of books we have to send home. Please sign your child’s reading record when they read at home.
Please keep your child at home if they are unwell - we must all play our part to keep the bubble safe.
School closes at 1.15pm for all children on Friday’s.
And finally, today we have said goodbye to Sara as her and her family are moving back to Poland. Good luck at your new school and your new home. We will miss you Sara. Goodbye sweetheart xxx
Dress the Rainbow - Friday 18th June. We are inviting children to come dressed in the colours of the rainbow on this day, for a donation of £1, with money going towards to school garden and gardening equipment. Many thanks - sorry for the change of day!
Have a lovely weekend, stay safe…..Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Collins
A few pictures of our week…..