We have had a lovely first week in Year 1! The sun has been shinning and the children have all come back from their break ready to learn and reading to listen to the word of God. We have talked a lot this week about being disciples of Christ and how we can show that we are following Jesus. In all that they have done this week, the children have worked hard to show that they are walking in Jesus’ footsteps. They have made us all very proud of them.
This is what we have been learning this week…..
English - this week we have focused on letter writing through the story Dear Zoo. We have listened to the story, described the animals using super adjectives and even writing a postcard to the puppy in the story after he wrote to tell Mrs Hollinghurst how happy he was in his new home! We have focused on capital letters and full stops, our lovely handwriting, using finger spaces and using the pronoun I in our work. We have continued with our phonics work and learning how to spelling the Common Exception words.
Maths - this week we have started work on numbers up to 50; reading them correctly, writing them correctly, finding them on a number square and finding missing numbers in a sequence. We have then started to break up two digit numbers into their tens and ones ie 32 =30+2
Science - this week we started our new topic on Plants. We began to planting sunflower seeds, potatoes and runner beans!! Fingers crossed they all grow! We also looked at what a plant needs to grow and the stages we go through when planting a seed.
RE - this week we have been learning about some of the parables told by Jesus. This week we listened to the stories of the Good Samaritan and the Lost Sheep. We talked about what Jesus wanted us to know by telling us these stories. We are also working on how we can be a disciple of Jesus.
History - this week we started our new topic about Queens and Castles. Through this unit we will compare Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria - this week we started by learning a little about Queen Elizabeth…and made some lovely crowns!
Art - we had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine on Thursday afternoon creating sculptures based on the art work of Andy Goldsworthy. See the pictures below - great fun had by all!!
We are very proud of all of the children, but these are the pupils we are celebrating this week…
Golden Award - Martha for a super attitude towards all aspects of her work and always working hard.
Writing Award - Stephen writing a super postcard to Fido Dog about his holiday in our work based on Dear Zoo.
Maths Award - Olivia for superb work on numbers up to 50 and finding the tens and the ones.
Thank-you so much for continuing to respect Social Distancing measures at drop off and pick up times and wearing your masks. These measures are so important to ensure everyone’s safety at school and to ensure that our Year 1 bubble remains open to all. Can I please stress the importance of the one way system at pick up time - IN on the Common Edge Road entrance and OUT down the drive onto Thornhhill Close. Many thanks.
Things to remember……
PE continues to be on Monday and Friday - no earrings on these days please
Bring your school water bottle each day
Reading books will be changed on your child’s reading day - we will only be able to send home a basket book each week - Guided Reading books will remain in school. We still have to quarantine books for 72 hours before they are sent home to anyone else. This limits the number of books we have to send home. Please sign your child’s reading record when they read at home.
Please keep your child at home if they are unwell - we must all play our part to keep the bubble safe.
School closes at 1.15pm for all children on Friday’s.
And finally, have a lovely weekend, stay safe…..Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Collins
A few photographs of our week….