Today (Monday 29th June) is the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. Peter and Paul are two very important men from the Early Church.
Peter was the most frequently mentioned member of the original 12 Apostles, who traveled with Jesus throughout His Public Ministry and could testify to the Resurrection. Jesus foretold that this apostle would be the rock upon which the Church would be built. Despite Peter’s betrayal of Jesus after His Arrest, St Peter led the Apostles, became the first pope and was martyred for his faith. Paul was converted from a strict Jew who persecuted Christians to the greatest missionary of Christianity: the Apostle of the Gentiles. He is the author of most of the Letters of the New Testament.
These two men always give me great faith in the power of the Lord to transform and His overwhelming love for us. Let us all take comfort in the love that God has for each and every one of us - may the love of the Lord be with you all as you face life’s challenges.
This week we are learning…..
English - this week our Home School Learning Topic is Food, so plenty of reading and writing opportunities. For writing the children could think about designing a new school lunch menu, draw and label pictures of their favourite meals, write a set of instructions for making a healthy sandwich or snack, or write a poem about their favourite food. For Science the children could investigate the Food Wheel and look at which foods we should try to eat more or less of and think about making healthy choices and what that means. In Art/Design the children could do some fruit or vegetable printing and see what different prints they manage to get. Which make the best printers?! I look forward to seeing the results!
Science/Healthy Eating - take a look at BBCBitesize
Phonics - this week we will continue to look at the split digraphs (u-e, e-e) as well as oo sound in food. Can you go on a sound hunt and list anything they find that contains the oo sound eg spoon, moon. Can you find the oo sound spelt differently? Don’t forget to read daily, practice your Common Exception words and your pre-cursive handwriting. I am so impressed with the beautiful handwriting I see Year 1, well done!! The following resources should help with resources for reading - do look at the Oxford Owl site if you haven’t done so yet, it has some lovely resources for phonics and ebooks for the children to read. BBC Bitesize continues to have quality materials too.
Home Reading materials…..
Set2/3 Phonic YouTube……
Writing Focus - Pie Corbett Talk for Writing - Bob, the bubble who wanted to be useful
Maths - this week we are continuing with our ordering theme, then we move onto Money - children can struggle with this topic as they don’t see us use actual money when we go shopping. This is particularly relevant now as we are activity encouraged to now use cash when we shop. Don’t be surprised if the children find this a little tricky; it is also a topic we have NOT covered in class.
This weeks Oddizzi Plan is focused on Global Knowledge this week. It has been great to see the children using and enjoying these resources.
Don’t forget the weekly SumDog challenges, Maths and either spelling or grammar. I have really pleased to see how many of the children have been accessing these challenges and their scores too! I set a new challenge weekly and send out texts to congratulate those children who have taken part that week. Take a look if you haven’t had a good at these before. The children’s passwords and usernames were sent home stuck to the front of their Home learning packs back in March - but if you can’t find it, just send me an email and I will let you know. you can contact me for any problems/questions at this address.
Fr Jim continues to post work for the children on his site and you can watch his Mass postings here too.
I am in school now on Monday and Tuesday of each week so please excuse my slightly delayed response to emails or Class Dojo - but I will get back to you. Any questions/queries/anything at all, just use the year 1 email address above. Many thanks for everything.
SPORTS DAY NEWS - although it will very very different this year, we are planning a little something for Sports Day! Please take a look at the Sports Section of the website (through the Parents Button on the left hand side of the main screen, or just follow the link below) for information on the activities that you can do at home and then send me your scores . Thank-you.
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for all your continued support and all that you are doing with your wonderful children at home. I am just in awe of you all and I know it is not easy whilst you are trying to work from home - I am in that position too. It is difficult. Be good to yourselves and know that you are doing an amazing job. The children are doing really well and all will be fine…in the end! I am so thankful to you all - I know a lot of you are worried about whether you are doing the right thing, whether you are doing enough, if the children are okay- but you are doing enough and you are doing well; you are all doing an amazing job. Your children are safe and well and learning new skills everyday. Be kind to yourselves and know that I am proud of you all too!
Year 1… good, work hard, stay safe and know that Mrs Veasey and I are proud of you and the work that you are doing at home. Say thank-you to your Mummy and Daddy…..Mrs V and I miss you all and our little Year 1 family. Have a great week…Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey