Good morning Year 1 and welcome to another week of Home Learning! I hope you like the little panda in my picture…thought he summed up the world perfectly at the moment! None of really knows what is going to come next, but if face it with a big smile, a positive heart and faith in the Lord, we will make it through.
A huge thank-you to you all for your continued hard work and to parents for taking the time to share it with me….I love seeing all that the children are doing at home, you are all super stars! I know I say it every week, but I cannot thank you enough. Without you this whole system just wouldn’t work; I will be forever in your debt. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart.
This week we will be learning…..
Our Home Learning Plan this week is all about Transport; this gives us lots of scope to investigate vehicles past and present, how transport has changed through the ages, different vehicles from around the world and vehicles that are used for emergencies. The BBC Bitesize link below has a couple of videos which shown the beginning of air travel and transport before cars! There are plenty of Art and Design opportunities with this topic….could you make a moving model, make a boat that floats, paint a repeating pattern on a wheel? I would love to see any of these creations on Class Dojo! There are also plenty of writing opportunities too….writing about the vehicles from the past, write a set of instructions for staying safe near the road or writing a story about the role of a transport driver…this could be as an astronaut, a pilot or a boat captain.
Home Learning Plan - Transport
English…..We also have a new Pie Corbett Talk For Writing plan this week, remember these are intended to cover two weeks of work. Please continue to hear your child read every day, help them to practice their common exception words (link to a spelling game on the Weekly Plan) and work on their pre-cursive handwriting. The children’s handwriting is amazing - so I can see they have been working on that at home!
Home Reading materials…..
Set2/3 Phonic YouTube……
At the time of posting this blog I had not been sent the new Pie Corbett Talk for Writing - so I have added the lovely English/Writing theme from the Weekly Plan this week. I will be using this in school this week. As soon as the Pie Corbett materials become available I will add them to the blog.
Phonics…….this week’s Home Learning Plan focuses on split digraphs a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e….see if you can make up a word list for each of these sounds, for example space, flute, stone.
Maths…this week our White Rose Maths focuses on counting to 100, partitioning numbers (splitting them into tens and ones) and comparing numbers. Please follow the video link and the worksheets can only be downloaded from this blog.
Oddizzi…this week’s plan is all about Food and Farming
Don’t forget the weekly SumDog challenges, Maths and either spelling or grammar. I have really pleased to see how many of the children have been accessing these challenges and their scores too! I set a new challenge weekly and send out texts to congratulate those children who have taken part that week. Take a look if you haven’t had a good at these before. The children’s passwords and usernames were sent home stuck to the front of their Home learning packs back in March - but if you can’t find it, just send me an email and I will let you know. you can contact me for any problems/questions at this address.
Fr Jim continues to post work for the children on his site and you can watch his Mass postings here too.
I am in school now on Monday and Tuesday of each week so please excuse my slightly delayed response to emails or Class Dojo - but I will get back to you. Any questions/queries/anything at all, just use the year 1 email address above. Many thanks for everything.
And finally…….Mrs Bird will retire at the end of this academic year after many years working at Our Lady’s….maybe she even taught some of you parents?! As a school we are working hard to put together a few leaving gifts from the children, although this is proving a little tricky under the circumstances! If your child would like to draw a picture of themselves in music, or write a little sentence about what they have enjoyed about Music with Mrs Bird, this would be a lovely addition to her gift - we will include as many as we can. Please email any pieces of work to - many thanks.
Year 1… good, work hard, stay safe, say THANK-YOU to your Mummy and Daddy for helping you with your work. and know that Mrs Veasey and I are very proud of you. Have a super week….Mrs Hollinghurst