Good morning everyone! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed having an extra day off! Very nice…but I hope you did spend some time thinking about the amazing sacrifices of people who have gone before us. It really makes us realise that what we are being asked to do is not too bad. We are all safe, well, warm, well-fed, well-loved and we have our lovely homes to live in. Stay strong Year 1….this week’s quote is my favourite from A.A.Milne - I am a huge Winnie-the-Pooh fan!

This week’s plan is all about the Rain forest. Plenty of opportunities for researching where in the world the rain forests are, what the climate is like, what animals live there, what they eat……take a look at the plan and see where it leads you! I have loved all your obstacle courses from last week - many thanks to parents who allowed their living rooms and gardens to be turned into running tracks - you are all doing me proud!

Maths - please keep up with the White Rose plans if you are able to. Follow the link below to the website and then the link below that has the zip file containing the worksheets. I am so proud of the work that the children have done on part whole last week, using the part whole model and ten frames. Well done and thanks for sharing all the work on Class Dojo.

White Rose Worksheets

Geography - this week’s Oddizzi plan is all about Food and Farming. See what you can learn about where our food comes from - particularly important at the moment. See the plan at the bottom of this blog.

Miss Haggerty continues to put daily prayers on the General page - please take a look at these to use at home with your families. We need spiritual guidance at this time more than ever. Also, check on Fr Jim’s page - he has lots of things there for the children and you can watch his Masses from there too.

I have updated the challenges on SumDog and Education City - so don’t forget to check those out. Year 1 you are doing amazingly well with the SumDog Challenges - I am amazed by your scores! What clever little people you are!

Many thanks once again to all you amazing parents who are working so hard at home with your children - as well as working at home yourselves. I know from my own experiences what a tricky juggling act this is - especially when your children are young. You are all doing very well and the work that the children are getting through is super - you are all my super starts this week! Year 1 - say a big THANK-YOU to your mummy’s and daddy’s. I know some of you are anxious about whether you are doing the right thing - but have faith in the fact that you know your children and know what is the right thing for them right now. That is a little different for each of us - trust in yourselves and thank-you from the bottom of my heart.

English - there are plenty of writing opportunities in this week’s plan, please keep up with your daily reading and phonics practice - BBC Bitesize should help with this. Also continue with your work on Common Exception words - these are great words to use for handwriting practice. The following may help you with this…..

Please keep up with your daily reading - check our the free resources on Oxford Owl - they have some great books and materials available.

BBC Bite Size is amazing at the moment - super for Phonics resources, as well as a wealth of other materials.

You may find these Phonic Youtube videos useful when revising Set 2 and 3 sounds with your children - these are the sounds we do each day at the beginning of our lesson and their rhymes.

Please continue to share your work with me on Class Dojo - it is so wonderful to see what you are up to - I love seeing the children’s faces and their amazing work. If you have any questions, worries or concerns - just get in touch through the Year 1 email; I will do my best to help. Stay strong - you are doing a wonderful job.

Year 1… good, work hard,stay safe and remember that Mrs Veasey and I miss you and are very proud of you. Have a great week…..Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey.

Weekly Plan

Oddizzi Plan

Pie Corbett

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst