Good Morning Year 1! I hope you all had a lovely weekend - despite the weather not being quite as kind to us as it has been. Thank-you so much for all the amazing work you are sending me - it truly brightens my day and parents, I cannot thank-you enough for everything you are doing at home with your wonderful children. Mrs Veasey and I miss our little class family - but we are so please that we get to see you through your work. Thanks again to all you parents who are sharing your children’s work and the lovely ‘extras’ you are doing at home. Mrs Veasey and I have LOVED seeing all your turtles and sea-themed pictures. Your are all super stars!!

The plan for this week follows on as per the last few weeks. The Weekly Plan as it the bottom of this blog - this week has a Sport and Games focus - we will all be fit by the end of this lock down!! Fingers crossed for better weather this week for the children to carry out some sporting activities. This also provides an opportunity to research favourite sporting stars and the history of your favourite sport.

Maths - we are still using the White Rose Materials - please follow the link to access the videos. Slight change this week is that the worksheets need to be downloaded daily from THIS PAGE. White Rose are now charging for their resources, so although you access the video in the same way - the activities are in a zip file under the web address. (When I tried this, if you just click on the link the whole file will download to the bottom of the screen, go into worksheets file and then pick the day that you want. I really hope this works as it took me most of Friday afternoon to sort out!!). I feel this system is working really well, so wanted to continue with it - the work you have sent me is great, thank-you so much. I hope you like the little videos; I feel this is a great way of moving the children on in their learning.

White Rose Worksheets

English - the weekly plans have some great writing opportunities for research into sporting stars and the history of your favourite sport. I have also attached at the bottonm of this blog the nest Pie Corbett English project; again intend to contain two weeks worth of work. I loved seeing all your spider-related writing over the past two week. PLEASE keep up with daily reading, phonics work, handwriting practice and spelling/reading of the Common Exception words. I have to say I have been very impressed to see the children’s amazing handwriting - well done Year 1!

Geography Topic - this week’s Oddizzi Plan is also attached at the bottom of the blog, this week the theme is Country Close Up.

Please see Miss Haggerty’s post where is is posting daily prayers to share with your family. I think prayer has become even more vital during this challenges time and I know I am taking a great deal of comfort in using these prayers with my own family each day. Many thanks to Miss Haggerty for posting these each week. Also keep up to date with Fr Jim’s Children’s pages….just follow the link.

Don’t forget the resources on Education City and SumDog - I watch these scores and the number of questions you are answering closely Year 1. If you haven’t had a go at these challenges before, take a look!

I hope you also feel that ‘teaching is a beautiful job’ - as working parents we will never get this chance to spend this time with our children and shape their daily education again in quite the same way. It has it’s challenges, but I think the joys out way the difficulties. Stay strong, hold your children tight and know that I am truly humbled by everything you are doing. Thank-you for the bottom of my heart.

Please keep posting your child’s work in the Portfolio section of Class Dojo - this is a wonderful record of all that your children have done at home. IF YOU HAVEN’T ACCESSED THIS SITE - YOU STILL CAN - IT WOULD BE WONDERFUL TO HAVE EVERYONE ON CLASS DOJO!

Year 1 - be good, work hard, stay safe and know that Mrs Veasey and I miss you all very much. We are so proud of you for the work that you are doing at home and the effort you are making for Mummy and Daddy - keep going!! God bless.

Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey

Weekly Plan…week 6

Oddizzi Plan - Country Close Up

Pie Corbett Talk For Writing

Red Cross Resilience and Kindness materials

Time Capsule Activity

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst