
Dear All,

May I begin by saying a great big thank-you for all the super work that you have sent through this week - the children continue to amaze and surprise me with the quality of work they are managing to compete at home. The creativity is wonderful - such a joy to see. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart - you are all super stars!

As you will be aware, the next two weeks are actually our half term holiday - how time flies when you’re having fun! That means that we will not being setting the same work as we have been doing. Instead, I have added a wealth of materials all related to Pentecost, which we celebrate on Sunday 31st May. The website link takes you to a selection of video clips about Pentecost suitable for the children, plus a selection of lovely creativity activities - just keep scrolling done the page, the ideas of things to make or do are towards the bottom of the page. These include flame spinners, hats, pictures, mobiles….let your imaginations run wild!

There then follows information for parents to help you explain what Pentecost is and what took place - the Home Learning materials are just suggestion of tings you could do at home, they are not a must! I have then added a power point all about Pentecost that you could share with your child and activities that can be printed off at home if you can. Unfortunately, school will NOT be able to print any of these off for you in the next two weeks as school is closed - these are just suggested activities, no pressure to complete these, so don’t worry if you can’t print these off. Please feel free to post pictures/work/activities of what the children have been up to, but please note that I will not be looking at emails or Class Dojo until term starts again on MONDAY 8th JUNE when I will return to usual home learning materials.

I hope you are able to enjoy a little ‘break’ over the coming days and weeks - we are all in need of a little comfort at the moment. I hope that you feel the power of the Holy Spirit as we celebrate Pentecost - may the Lord fill you with the love and strength that you need right now.

Don’t forget Fr Jim’s pages and the resources he has for the children, as well as a chance to ‘share’ Mass with him.These are really lovely resources and a beautiful way to share Mass with others. Please take a look. https://www.olablackpool.org/children-s-page

Thank-you once again for your hard work and support over the last two months - I am truly humbled by all that you have done to support the children and me.

Year 1…be good, work hard, stay safe and know that Mrs Veasey and I are very proud of you. Enjoy the holidays and the sunshine (hopefully!!).

Any questions or queries, please contact me before the end of the school day today - thank-you. (Friday 22ndMay)

Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey


Pentecost Overview for Parents

Pentecost Home Learning

Pentecost Power Point

Pentecost Sequencing Cards

Pentecost Word Search

Pentecost Comprehension

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst