Good morning everyone and welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term and enjoyed the beautiful weather we had, for the first week at least! It was just so nice to feel a little bit of heat - just about makes up for no foreign trips this year (well, not really, but that is what I am trying to tell myself anyway!!)

I hope you are all well rested, filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to start the new, and last, half term of the school year. Can’t believe how the time has flown! Hopefully everyone is used to the programme of work I am setting now and is happy how to find everything - if not then please just send me a quick email. I will do my best to help and to answer any of your questions as quickly as I can. As I am going to be in school two days a week now (Monday and Tuesday) please bare with me, I may not be able to get back to you as quickly as I was doing, particularly not at the beginning of the week.

Work for the coming week…….

English/History - this week our Home Learning Plan is all related to Music. Through their topic writing the children have the chance to write an A-Z of instruments, to research and then write about a famous musician or write a fact file about an instrument. Through our daily English I would also like the children to be reading each day to an adult, practice their Common Exception words, chant their sounds and rhymes (use the YouTube video to help with this) and work on their pre-cursive handwriting. The materials below should help with reading books and phonics activities. We also have the Pie Corbett Talk from Writing materials that I know so many of you have been using and enjoying at home. These booklets are intended to cover two weeks worth of work - hope you enjoy this theme - Brian Bear!

English - Pie Corbett Talk for Writing

I hope the children enjoy the Music theme this week - one of the focused pieces of music is Vivaldi’s Four Seasons (links to the pieces of music are on the Weekly Plan). we have listened to the Spring piece in Science as part of our Seasons topic - so I hope the children recognise this one!

Home Reading materials…..


Set2/3 Phonic YouTube……

Maths this week is all related to counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Please use the White Rose Materials to support the children’s learning. The video link and the worksheets ate at the end of the blog. You cannot get the worksheets from the website now - hence the reason why I am adding them here.

Geography - this week’s plan is related to Weather and Climate - just because we cannot actual travel very far, doesn’t mean we can’t explore the world.

RE - please ensure you are using the prayer that Miss Haggerty adds to the General blog each week, along with Fr Jim’s activities for the children and his links to the daily Mass. This is a truly wonderful resource - link at the bottom of the blog.

And finally……many thanks to you all as we enter the final half term of the school year.; I simply couldn’t support the children with their Home Learning without your continued support. I was also deeply touched to receive so many lovely messages just before the half term break - I really appreciate your kind words. Working together it is amazing what we can achieve. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you are all keeping safe and sane in these challenging times!

Year 1….be good, stay hard……. and know that Mrs Veasey and I are proud of all the work you are doing at home. Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey

Weekly Learning Plan

Oddizzi Plan

White Rose Maths Worksheets

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst