Thank-you so much for the effort you all made with the children’s costumes for World Book Day - they all look fabulous and we have had a great day filled with sharing stories and talking about books. The children have also met with their Year 6 buddies and shared their books with them - this was just beautiful to see and I must say a huge thank-you to Year 6. Year 6 were so lovely with Year 1 and they children loved sharing their books with the older children. Miss Slater and I have agreed that we must do this sort of thing more often.

This week we are celebrating the effort of…..

Golden Award - Connie for being patient and showing kindness to others

Writing Award - Dominic for a huge improvement in handwriting

Maths Award - Rosanna for her super work on numbers up to 20

This week we have been learning…..

English - along with our RWI work we have been working on reading comprehension skills, spelling of Common Exception words and writing in full sentences using correct punctuation.

Maths - this week we have been working on one more and one less using numbers up to 20.

RE - this week we have thought about the disciples and how brave they were to follow Jesus. We have talked about the qualities those disciples must have had for Jesus to choose them and if we use our qualities and skills every day to follow Jesus like they did.

Science - we have looked at the weather in winter and what winter looks like.

Topic - this week we learnt about Queen Elizabeth II and her early family life and her role at our Queen.

Information for you….

Report slips - thank-you for all the report slips you have returned…if you haven’t returned yours yet, then please send in when you can. Thank-you

PE - we have another two sessions of yoga to go - so PE still TUESDAY and FRIDAY for the next few weeks.

Keep up the hard work with your child’s reading and remember to sign their records - Mrs Veasey changes books on Monday’s and Thursday’s.

Have a lovely weekend….Mrs Hollinghurst and the Year 1 team

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst