This week we have been discussing how we are going to walk towards Jesus during the period of Lent. The children have all amazed me with the ‘extra’ steps they are going to take as we all strive to make ourselves better people by following Jesus. What challenges are you going to set yourselves during this special time of repentance and reflection?

The children have all made a super start to the new half term, but these are the pupils we are celebrating this week.   

Golden Award - James for going the extra mile in all that he does and for always being kind.

Writing Award - Oscar for amazing improvement in his handwriting - all your efforts are paying off!

Maths Award - Hallie for super work with numbers up to 20

This week we have been learning…..

English - we have been working hard in our RWI groups and focusing on the sound ‘igh’ this week and the words that we can make using this spelling pattern.

Maths - this week we have been looking at umbers 10-20. We have examined how these are two digit numbers and from 10-19 they are contain a ten - we are learning about partitioning (splitting) two digit numbers into tens and ones.

RE - we started our new topic Following Jesus and wrote our let promises on footsteps this week. These are a beautiful reflection of how the children are trying to follow the example set to them by Jesus.

Science - our new topic is all about the Changing Seasons - we have certainly had some weather this week to focus on!

History - we are learning about two Queens this half term - Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. This week we started to learn all about Victoria.

Up coming events….

HALF TERM REPORTS WILL COME HOME TOMORROW (FRIDAY) If you have any questions regarding these, please come and see me next week.

28th Feb (tomorrow) - PFTA Julia Donaldson evening, please support if you can. Tickets £3 from the office

5th March - World Book Day - please dress up as your favourite BOOK character for a day filled with reading activities.

Home Reading - keep up the hard work, we ask for  a minimum of three times a week please. Please sign your child’s reading record.

Running a Mile - the children have started a daily running activity - trying to run a mile by running round the junior yard 13 times! Ask you child how they have been getting on.

Yoga - we have started a run of four yoga sessions - PE for the next few weeks will be TUESDAY and FRIDAY.

Thank-you and have a lovely weekend………Mrs Hollinghurst and the Year 1 team.

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst