Thank-you so much for the beautiful photographs you have sent in of the children’s baptisms - they are lovely to see. We have also bee treated to some children bringing in their candles and even certificates to share with us. If you haven’t yet had a chance to send in your child’s photo then you still can - there is no time limit!

This week we are celebrating the achievements of….

Golden Award - Mia for being a super star - beautiful manners, amazing work and wonderful attitude to learning

Writing Award - Lily for amazing writing at school and at home

Maths Award -

This week we have been learning……

English - we are making our way through the common exception words and using our phonic knowledge to work out how to read unknown words, particularly ‘alien words’….look out for more details about ‘alien words’ after half term. I will be running a parents session (date to be arranged) to explain this further and how you can help your child with this at home.

Maths - this week we have been applying our knowledge to addition and subtraction word problems….a little tricky but we are getting there now!

RE - we have looked at the sign and symbols of baptism and discussed why each one has a special role to play in the Sacrament of Baptism.

Science - in our Materials topic this week this week we looked at materials that were flexible and different textures of paper.

Topic - this week we looked at programming the Bee Bots to make their way around a pirate map to locate the treasure ad wrote some code to help our partners find objects on the map.

All the children have worked very hard this week and I am very proud of each and every one of them.

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 11th Feb - Safer Internet Day in school

Thursday 13th Feb - Silly Socks day for PTFA - please bring in £1 to wear your colourful/odd/pattern socks/tights for the day. CHILDREN MUST STILL WEAR SCHOOL UNIFORM.

Friday 14th Feb - Pirate Day!! Looking forward to seeing my little pirates dressed for the occasion! A day filled with all things pirate - no PE on this day.

Friday 28th Feb - PFTA’s Julia Donaldson evening, 5-6.15pm tickets £3 from the office. Pease support if you can.

YOGA IS BACK! Just for a few sessions after half term - All TUESDAY’s…25th Feb, 3rd March, 10th March, 24th March. For these weeks PE will be TUESSDAY and FRIDAY. These are the first four weeks of the new half term.

Keep up the reading at home, please send in a Baptism photo if you can and work on those Common Exception words…..Thank-you.

Have a lovely weekend….Mrs Hollinghurst and Year 1 team

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst