This has been a rather strange, and long, half term but we have made it through to the holidays! The children have coped so well with all the changes we have had to introduce to school and we are all just so proud of them. They have worked so hard, have made good progress and just settled back into school life so well. It just goes to show how resilient our children are - they really are a credit to you. Well done to those children who have been working form home this week, I have loved seeing you all through Class Dojo and the work you have completed. Thank-you so much parents for all the support you have given the children this week and the time you have taken to send me their work. Your help is much appreciated. By working together we can achieve great things!
As we finish for the holidays today - there are no awards to hand out.
This week we have been learning….
English - we finished writing our versions of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ the children worked really hard on these and the end results were just lovely. In phonics we worked on ‘oi’ spoil the boy and ‘ow’ brown cow and then we used all these words we had collected to write our own silly sentences. The children loved doing this! We have also worked hard on our pre-cursive handwriting.
Maths - this week we have learnt how to use our number lines to find one more or one less, as well as using the find the greatest or smallest number. We finished the week by learning all abut the part part whole model - this will our focus after the holidays and is all about how we can separate whole numbers into smaller parts.
RE - this week we focused on the importance of a promise, so keeping our promises and God keeping the promise he made though the story of Noah’s Ark.
Science - we completed our investigation into ourselves, measuring our hands and feet to help us compare ourselves with others. We have been looking at the similarities and differences of animals within the same groups too.
Topic - this week we focused on the human and physical features of our local area and the landmarks of Blackpool.
Over half term, please continue to read with and too your children. Remember you can find a wealth of books on the Oxford Owl site. Please continue to sign your child’s reading record so they can collect stickers and gain their Reading Certificate. All links that can help with home learning can be found on the Year 1 Homework Page.
This week the PTFA held a visual quiz in school - a little bit of fun for the children at the end of half term. The PFTA wanted us to share this on our blogs so that all the children working from home this week could join in to. Have a go….enjoy! Many thanks to the PTFA for all their hard work.
Lancashire Tier 3 ‘Very High’ risk status.
With Lancashire now part of the very high risk group, I urge all families to stick to the rules of no visitors within the home or garden. Please take every care to maintain the safety of your family and school in turn. Many thanks.
All that is left for me to say is a big thank-you for all your support this half-term and to wish you all a very happy and safe half term. I hope you all manage to enjoy some quality time with your household over the week and that the weather is kind to us so at least we can get outside for a lovely Autumn walk - fingers crossed!
Year 1, I hope you have a lovely week - stay safe. Mrs Holinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Collins