This week we have focused on Remembering in Year 1. We have remembered the Saints who are with Our Father for All Saints Day, all people who have died on All Souls Day, members of our families who have died and the lost soldiers who gave their lives in the service of others. I have been really impressed with how Year 1 have responded to this issue.
The children have all made a great start to the new half term, but this week we are celebrating….
Golden Award - Jackson for his amazing sewing yesterday! Jackson has hidden talent. Mrs Veasey and I were very impressed. Excellent work Jackson!
Writing Award - Charlotte for beautiful handwriting - Charlotte, your work makes me happy. Good girl.
Maths - Oscar-James for super part part whole work this week - great effort!
This week we have been learning….
English - we have been looking at stories with repeating phrases. This week we started with We’re Going On a Bear Hunt. We used the pattern of the story to help us write our won short versions! We are continuing to focus on handwriting, finger spaces and using capital letters correctly. In Phonics we have focused on ‘oi’ spoil the boy and ‘ear’ hear with your ear.
Maths - we have spent the week focusing on the part part whole method - taking a whole number such as 10 and finding all the parts that make up the umber, such as 8+2, or 2+8 or 6+4 or 4+6. The children have been amazing at using the correct vocabulary and writing their own number sentences!
RE - this week has been all about remembering for All Saints, All Souls and Remembrance Sunday.
Science - this week we continued our work on Animals by classifying animals according to their features.
Topic - this week we started our new topic Under The Sea. We started this Geography focus by looking at the four countries that make up the UK. Next week we will move onto capital cities and seas.
Design - this week we started our sewing with binka and the children were amazing! We have been so impressed with their skills and efforts - we have a lovely afternoon in Thursday sewing away the time!!
Other things to mention…
Thanks for the pencils, colouring books and pens for the Shoe Books - please continue to send in on MONDAY - thanks.
Please sign your child’s reading record each time they read so that they can collect stickers on their bookmark. We ask that children a minimum of three times a week.
PE - Monday and Friday. We now have Music on a Wednesday with our new music teacher Miss Benson. Children CANNOT wear earrings for PE.
Don’t forget your child’s school water bottle each day - thanks!
Please do not send your child into school if they are unwell or showing any signs of Covid 19 - we need to work together to keep each other safe. Many thanks for this.
If your child is having to self isolate please see the HOMEWORK section of the website where there will be a SELF ISOLATING PAGE for that week with the work that they should complete. If you can print out work then great, if not, don’t worry - just use the tasks as a guide and do it on paper. PLEASE DO NOT BRING THIS WORK INTO SCHOOL - POST PHOTOS ONTO CLASS DOJO PLEASE. Many thanks.
Please follow this link to see what Year 1 are expected to do at home.
And finally……..have a lovely weekend…..Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Collins