The children have been very active and curious this week as we have continued with our Pirate topic! We have had a great week in Year 1 and I am very proud of the work they have produced….particularly in Maths where we have been looking at some tricky concepts and they have all strived to do their best.

This week we are celebrating….

Golden Award - Emilia for always thinking of others before herself

Writing Award - Elsie for super independent RWI writing

Maths Award - Lilly for super subtraction work and using her part part whole model to help write a fact family

This week we have been learning….

English - we are working our way through the Common Exception words, this week concentrating on today, of and said. We are also working very hard on our pre-cursive handwriting - even the children who thought they couldn’t do have proved themselves wrong - and me right!

Maths - this week we have been looking at writing a fact family to match a picture and part part whole. We have written two additions and two subtractions to match three numbers. I am really proud of the children who found this really tricky at the start of the week and now can do it without support. Well done Yr1!

RE - this week we started our new topic about Family ad Celebrations and thought about what it means to belong to a family and the families we belong to. We are focusing on our own family, our school family and God’s family.

Science - this week we investigated everyday objects, what they are made of and if that is the best material or not.

Topic - this week we looked at Pirate maps to see if we could give a co-ordinate point to locate the treasure! The children all made their own pirate maps and they are now super stars at giving co-ordinates to locate a certain point.

PIRATE DAY - FRIDAY 14TH FEBRUARY - a day dedicates to all things pirate! Pirate dressing up that day please. Thank-you.

PE - MONDAY AND FRIDAY - kits should only be worn on those days. Thank-you.

Keep up the reading work and practise a few common exception words too.

Have a lovely weekend…..Mrs Hollinghurst and the Year 1 team

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst