Welcome back to a new term in Year 1! This term our key focus for school in our prayer and worship is to be curious and active. This will come through all our work as we explore the wonders of God’s amazing world and how best we can use our God given talents to protect and serve our beautiful planet.

The children have already been hard at work this week and these are the pupils we are particularly celebrating this week…..

Golden Award - Grace for a super effort in all areas of work this week - Grace always listens carefully and tries her best

Writing Award - Emilia for a beautiful piece of RE writing about what present she would give to the baby Jesus

Maths Award - Connie for super contributions in class to all areas of maths work

This week we have been learning….

English - our class focus has moved to our Common Exception Word list - each morning the children have one of these words to practise in their handwriting session. All the children are asked to use pre-cursive handwriting I all their work and we have a real emphasis on beautiful presentation. Our RWI groups have also continued this week.

Maths - this week we have focused on subtraction and have used our ten frames and part part whole models to support this. We are using our number bond facts to support our work o subtraction.

RE - we have been thinking about our own gifts for the baby Jesus - asking ourselves the question each morning, what can I do for Jesus today?

Science - this half term our focus is on Materials and this week we started by examining everyday objects and the materials that they are made of.

Topic - Pirates! This half term we will cover History and Geography through our Pirates theme. We started this week by looking at the world and the seven continents and five oceans.


PE - Year 1 have PE on a MONDAY and FRIDAY - PE kits should ONLY be worn on these days please. If your child is wearing trainers with laces, they MUST be able to tie these themselves. Thank-you. YOGA HAS NOW FINISHED.

PIRATE DAY - FRIDAY 14TH FEBRUAURY. This half term our topic focus is Pirates and in order to celebrate this topic we are planning on having a day dedicated to all things Piratey! This will be the last day of this half term and we would like to ask the children to come dressed as pirates that day - so stripy t-shirts, jeans/leggings, pirate hats…..be as creative as you can!

Reading - Please ensure that you sign your child’s reading records when you read at home - this is the only record we have. Children should be reading at home a minimum of three times a week. Well done to all those children who were given reading certificates this week.

Have a lovely weekend….Mrs Hollinghurst and the Year 1 team

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst