Well, Year 1 have really suffered this week! Bug season has hit us hard and this week at one point we were without a third of the class. I do hope those children who have been so poorly this week are soon feeling better. Thank-you so much to you for keeping your child away from school for 48 hours after the LAST incident of sickness and diarrhoea - this is certainly one way in which we can stop the spread of germs through our class. As for the coughs and colds, we have talked a lot about hand hygiene, keeping your hand over your mouth when you cough and using a tissue. Fingers crossed we are over the worst.

These are the children that we are highlighting this week for their super work…

Golden Award - Teddy for a super effort in RWI writing - a beautiful piece of work. keep it up!

Writing Award - Olivia for a lovely prayer to Mary

Maths Award -

This week we have been learning…..

English - this week we have been working hard in our RWI groups - we have also had a few teacher absences this week so we have not managed RWI every day. We are making great progress with our phonic work and recognise these special friends in our reading and our own writing.

Maths - this week we have been making number bonds using bead strings and ten frames. We are also started to compare the total of our calculations and use the equality signs to show this.

RE - we have continued with our work on Mary, learning the Hail Mary prayer and writing our own prayers to Mary - which were just beautiful.

Science - this week we looked how animals use their senses to enable them to survive.

Geography - this week we started to look at Blackpool landmarks and the physical/human features of our town.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY - TUESDAY 17TH DECEMBER - Year1/2 nativity in the hall. All parents have been sent home their tickets for both performances. Please don’t loose them! These are just for us to control numbers as we only have so much room. We are hard at work learning the songs!

FRIDAY 29TH NOVEMBER - Julia Donaldson Night - tickets for this event available from the office.

Please ensure you are reading with your child at home and don’t forget to sign their record - it is the only record we have of their home reading. Many thanks.

Have a lovely weekend…..Mrs Hollinghurst and the Year 1 team

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst