“The best way to get things done… is to simply begin!”

We are so excited to be at the point where we can welcome our whole school family back together again. Finally school can open to ALL on Monday March 8th.

As you all know, these last seven weeks have been challenging, and it has taken a great community effort to enable school to operate on two levels; delivering home learning and providing what childcare we safely could for our vulnerable children and those of critical workers. Throughout this time, we have tried our very best to meet the needs of everyone in the community and we can only thank each one of you for your patience, understanding and kindness. This has not been an easy time for anyone and I know so many of you have had your own battles to fight.

However, we have to thank God that we are now in the position where we can begin to return and start to build on the amazing work and support which has been provided both at school and at home. Like we did in September, once again we will support all the children as they reconnect and re-establish those important relationships. We know it will be hard for everyone. Please give us the time to settle children back into school life and just as you always do, work alongside us to ensure that every child can continue to thrive. We will try to build virtues of love and compassion as the whole school reunites; really trying to ‘listen’ to each other and to God to help us all move forward. This will help us all as we try to understand the experiences and changes we have each been through. Seeing the world through the eyes of another and stepping into their shoes is a challenge for us all this Lent!

Starting school on March 8th

Before entering this third lockdown we knew that all the systems, routines and school guidance which we had implemented had created the safest possible environment. In following these, staff, children and parents were helping to keep everyone safe and well. Therefore, it makes sense to continue to embed these practices. As I stated in my previous blog: This is not the time to relax and forget the importance of protecting each other. I have looked very closely at the guidance updates from government and the key messages remain the same; minimise contact and reduce transition rates.  

Just as we did in the autumn we will continue to teach children in class bubbles and staff movement between bubbles will be minimised. The organisation of our school day will continue to stay the same, with staggered starts and a one-way system at the end of the day. These drop off and collection times in Family groups and specific year groups will continue to make arrival and exit times manageable for families. The same autumn times will be in place (8:40am and 9:00am/3:15pm and 3:30pm). We ask that you continue to wear face masks and follow social distancing protocol. This will mean changes for those families currently attending school provision.

It is crucial that all the guidance set out is followed meticulously to ensure that school remains open for All children. We have to continue to protect each other. If not, then bubbles will have to close and school may not be able to remain open. I have now updated all school guidance and organisation:

Please press the button below to access an overview of school organisation:        

In terms of lunches all Reception and KS1 children continue to be entitled to a free school meal and these are provided daily by our Kitchen Team. Lunches for KS2 children can be purchased using ParentPay at a daily cost of £2:00. *NB this will increase to £2.20 after Easter * It would be extremely helpful if accounts can be kept up to date by paying in advance as this really will save Mrs Duffill or Mrs Wilson time during this extremely busy period. The menus will be available at the school office and we can send one home with your child if you let us know.

1st Class Kids Uniforms

Here’s a message from 1st Class Kids for parents and carers who need to purchase school uniforms. Please read their letter here for details of how to order online for either home delivery or click and collect.


We all look forward to our whole school family reuniting and filling our classrooms with love and laughter. We have missed all our children being in their class families and know their special friendships will rekindle and grow as we journey through Lent together. Although we are still unable to gather as a school, just being in the building and following in the footsteps of Jesus our Saviour, will bring a sense of celebration and joy which will lead us to becoming the Easter people we are asked to become.

We can’t wait!

Miss Haggerty

AuthorGlynis Wilson