I can hardly believe that we are now entering our first week of half-term 4 - now half way through the academic year. Unfortunately I, like many people have been feeling despondent, even miserable, that this new year has proved to increase in its challenge for us and am tempted to speak negatively instead of finding the courage to move forward.
It is in moments like these that our faith clothes and comforts us as we place our complete trust in God. I have tried to do just that this week, and have found myself spending increasing time in prayer. We always remind the children that prayer is gently powerful and helps us to centre our minds on the important things, the things that help us to become the ‘best versions of ourselves’. I have been reminded that God has a plan for each of us and therefore, ‘Some flowers blossom best in the sun, others do well in the shade. Remember… God puts us where we grow best’.
As we now enter the season of Lent we are all challenged to spend more time in prayer - always good to get a head start! During Lent we are challenged to ‘PRAY’ and spend more time talking to God; to ‘STOP’ the things which spoil our relationship with God and others; and to ‘GO’, to spread God’s great love with each other… not an easy task! Have a look at the assembly below which reminds us about this Lenten Adventure we are all beginning now to better ourselves for the wonderful celebration of Easter.
School Reopening
You will have heard the Government announcement this evening which has set out the timescale of pupils returning to school again for their full time education.
We do still have two weeks of our full lockdown remaining and again, I do plead with the parents of children who have had places at school during lockdown, to ‘free up’ some school places by trying to keep your child/children at home for this time. The children are ALL being set the same work and same expectations whether they complete this in their classroom or at home, but it saddens me that I have not been able to offer further places to other desperately struggling parents & families.
In fact I have found this a heartbreaking task. I do have to risk assess what is safe for the children and staff in the building at this moment and I therefore cannot increase class numbers and risk safety.
I am therefore pleading with families who, even though critical workers, could try to work out arrangements to care for your children at home so that I can free up some days for other families. Please let us know as soon as possible if you can keep your child at home for these next two weeks to allow a little respite for another struggling family.
We do however, look forward to March 8th when we can see all of you again!
We will return to our staggered entry and exit times from the week beginning March 8th as we still have many restrictions placed upon us and need to ensure our risk assessments are adhered to and our bubbles stay as safe as they possibly can.
As you will be aware, we have been able to continue our offer of Breakfast Provision through this period of lockdown, however, I will let parents know as soon as possible if After School Club is able to return too.
Face Coverings
It is essential that we all keep up with our safety measures at this time to support everyone in our community and try as best we can to keep ourselves and others safe. Evidence shows a face covering can help in reducing the spread of droplets and therefore potentially infecting others, and can help to reduce the spread of infection when lockdown measures start to be lifted.
Please remember that we cannot let our guard down if we want to keep each other safe and keep lowering the rate of this terrible infection…
Also, a reminder that we are still currently in lockdown!
I say this, as I have had conversations with some children today, who have happily told me that they have been round to friends houses with their parents and played games - or had sleepovers with their friends!!!!!! This has left me with much dismay as I find it very disturbing that families would feel it is acceptable at this time to be meeting indoors when we are clearly told not to do this!
I sincerely hope that families realise what a dangerous thing this is. It is not only putting yourselves and your children at great risk, but also ALL others that you may come into contact with outside or in school. Please, please consider what impact your actions have on the community as a whole.
Financial Support Scheme
The COVID Financial Support Scheme can help residents who have been financially affected by the pandemic.
The scheme can provide financial help to families and people who are vulnerable and have been impacted financially by the Coronavirus pandemic, particularly during the winter months.
Examples of financial impact might be:
A member of the household has been furloughed
A member of the household has been laid-off or made redundant
A member of the household has had a reduction in working hours
The scheme can assist people who have arrears or are struggling to pay essential household bills such as:
Gas and electricity bills
United Utility bills
Council Tax bills
Other essential expenses may be considered
Please visit https://www.blackpool.gov.uk/Residents/Benefits/COVID-financial-support-grant.aspx for more information and to apply.
Crossing Patrol
Unfortunately, we have had notification that some of our lovely crossing patrol assistants are having to shield and may be unable to return to work at all. We are really saddened by this and hope that Our Lady’s Crossing Patrol remains healthy and in post for as long as possible!
This does mean therefore, that there are several posts which have become available across the town.
If you feel you may be interested in applying for such a role; then please use the link below with instructions for a School Crossing Patrol Attendant vacancy.
Further instructions:
- Click on the link Home | greater jobs
- From the heading “Roles” Click on “Environment” in the drop-down list
- From the heading “All Locations” click on “Blackpool and Fylde” in the drop-down list
- Click on Search and Apply
- Scroll to “School Crossing Patrol Attendant” for the job vacancy
If you would like to speak to someone regarding the position then please contact: Mrs Dennehy
Integrated Transport Operations Assistant Tel: 01253 476174
I have to say how very, very impressed I have been at all the amazing work that the children have all been doing at home. You never cease to amaze me! It has been a joy to have the teachers telling me (and showing me) all the wonderful pieces of work the children have done and how well you have been keeping to your home learning timetables. I know for many of you that has had to fit around parents work, so many of you might have been working in the evenings, or at weekends.
It has been testament to your courage and strength as a family which has led to each person managing what they can and importantly, to the best of their ability.
You are all AMAZING! I am in awe of every single one of you! And I am even more in awe of you parents… you are all doing an absolutely fabulous job in these terrible circumstances and I take my hat off to each and every one of you! Thank you for how hard you are working to help and support your children and most of all - keep them safe!