Following the Prime Minister’s announcement and the further DFE advice now provided, Governors and staff here at Our Lady’s are now taking some time to review all advice from DfE, the Diocese and the Local Authority on the safest way to proceed. At the forefront of all our planning is of course the safety of both children and staff. The decisions we are being asked to make are not easy and we have to ensure that if we do extend the amount of children we welcome into school, this is only done if we can operate at the safest level possible.

As you can imagine the preparation and discussion needed to make decisions moving forward are both complex and challenging. However we proceed there will be no perfect solution for every family. We can only base all decisions on the utmost safety of our staff and children, and put in place a structure and routines which will provide the safest possible environment for the community to operate within.

To support us developing our pathway and to make those important decisions we are now asking parents in Reception, Year One and Year Six to please complete the attached survey. This will help us to gauge how you are feeling and your intentions going forward. Your responses will enable us to begin to plan staffing and effective social distancing and to judge clearly what we are able to safely provide with increased numbers of pupils:

These 2 questions can be completed by clicking on the survey button below.

Once decisions have been made we will plan to implement them on June 8th following our natural half term break. However, we will continue to follow the current situation and take on board daily advice from the government and any necessary changes will be communicated immediately.

Before we break up for half term on May 22nd we will update all parents on school organisation and the continuing plans for online home learning. Staff have worked tirelessly to ensure daily learning has been available and I know each teacher would like me to thank you for all your kind words of appreciation. Staff will spend the first week of the half-term break completing school reports which they will base largely on the time your child spent in school. The second week will be spent preparing school inside and outside for the implementation of safe distancing and learning.

The children have worked so hard under your guidance and I know this has not been an easy task for many of you trying to complete your own work at the same time. However, on a weekly basis as I see the learning and discuss progress being made with staff, I can honestly say that for so many of you this has been a great success! Together we have managed largely to keep the children engaged and learning.

Thank you as always for your patience and support as we enter the next phase of these uncertain times.


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