Looking at the calendar this week, it resonated with me about the special events which should have been taking part in our children’s lives at this time.

We have all been very aware that Friday should have been a day of celebration, bringing our Year 6 children’s week of SATs assessments to a close. Year 6 I know you have missed out and I know this is one of the things things every child looks forward to (even with some nervousness) as they travel through school but please know that we are all incredibly proud of you. You have traveled through school, learning, and growing and your leadership form September has been inspiring. I know each one of you would have shone this week and would have made yourselves and Miss Slater very proud, I know how much progress each one of you was making! I know you would have supported each other throughout and finished the week with a smile. But more importantly, I also know that you have grown into such wonderfully kind and empathetic human beings and I truly hope that we do get the opportunity to say goodbye properly and celebrate just what you have achieved. But for now, know that we all love you and miss you and have been so impressed with your home learning! I have loved seeing the quality of your work, your photographs, videos, and seeing your independence shine!

This weekend would also have marked the day when our first group of children were due to receive their First Holy Communion. It is so sad that we were unable to have this wonderful celebration but hopefully we can still complete our programme at some point in the future and will be able to celebrate with each other as we would want. In the meantime, I hope you are continuing to learn your responses for mass and joining in with Fr Jim’s masses on the church website. If you haven’t already seen the brilliant resources on this site - go and look!!!! The button on our website page will take you straight there!

Returning to school

These are such strange times for us all and I know many of you are wanting to know the plans for after half term. We have been working all week to complete our risk assessments and have been collating all information available.  Thank you so much to our Year 6, Reception and Year 1 parents who have completed the survey, I know how difficult this was for many of you; your kind and honest comments have greatly assisted this planning. NB: If anyone has not yet given a response - please try to do so as we want to take due consideration of all comments received. Next week we will be sharing our plans with you, which will place the safety of all at the forefront. Please know that whatever you decide as a parent will be respected and supported. We still have further guidance to review from our Local Authority and also a review with Governors this coming week but will inform you all of our plans as soon as possible following this. We do hope however, to implement our plans on June 8th, following our half term break.

Prayers for next week

In the meantime, the power of prayer still helps to guide us all.

Attached below are the weekly prayers which follow this weeks preparation of Jesus for the feast of His Ascension. They are prayers of hope from Pope Francis. They seem particularly poignant at this moment in time…

Also, look out on the website for Parish Mass on the Feast of the Ascension. The children have helped Fr Jim by undertaking the readings for him for this mass. Hopefully it will be something we can do more of in the future as on this feast we would have celebrated mass with the whole school.

I hope you all have a safe and happy week and contnue to look after one another.

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