I hope that all of you are staying well, and above all, staying positive in these challenging times!


As we are about to complete week seven, living with our own households, I know many of you are now asking what is going to happen next.

With the Prime Minister confirming that we are “past the peak of this disease”, and a commitment that this week on Sunday will see the government set out their ‘road map’ to safely reopen the country, like you, we are waiting to hear the plans for schools. Until we hear this advice it remains impossible to make decisions so please do bear with us. At this moment in time, I do not know what lies ahead, or when we will be asked to begin opening school again, and more importantly what this may look like in reality.

I do know that next week will be a time of discussion and collaboration to enable decisions to be made based on ensuring the safety of all children and staff. This will take time and important information will need to be considered. It really is a huge responsibility, and whilst I appreciate that you all want to know what will be happening following the half term, please do give school space to formulate arrangements.

These seven weeks have not been easy for any of us and I know we have all tried so hard to support each other, this has truly humbled me. As headteacher I have faced so many difficult challenges and have been upset by some of the decisions I have had to make. The learning curve has been steep but I have learned never to judge a reaction, to try and understand each perspective and always remember that we never truly know what someone else has been through.

I am missing the whole community deeply and pray that we can return safely over time.

“Somewhere over the rainbow…”

Creating smiles and music is what Blackpool Symphony Orchestra does best but without their usual Thursday evening playing sessions, members aimed to spread a little hope and bring some colour to audiences with a virtual rendition of 'Somewhere over the Rainbow.'

Miss Benson and the rest of the orchestra have worked upon the specially arranged recording which has been dedicated to key workers and has now raised more than £2,000 with funds being redirected to support the Blackpool community.


Watch the video on: http://www.blackpoolsymphony.co.uk/home

Donations have gone to Blackpool Food Bank.

If you would like to donate to the Food Bank you can click here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/blackpoolsymphony

Donations of food can be taken to the Blackpool Food Bank Office Hub at Blackpool Tower.

Any budding gardeners?

Many of you may have been spending lockdown working hard in your gardens. This is a great place to be for your mental and physical health and hopefully you have been able to grow some wonderful things in this beautiful weather.

However, I know there will be many of you who are unable to do this due to lack of (or no) garden space!

Well, that’s where school could lend a helping hand!

If anyone is looking for an allotment space, or any area to grow in, then please consider utilising our large polytunnel and garden here at Our Lady’s. We have so much space and it saddens me that it is not able to be used currently. So if anybody in your family would like to spend some time gardening, then if you let us know at school - we could let you use the polytunnel and garden to grow your fruit & vegetables at any time you like! You could access the spaces with a key, which would not need to un-alarm the school building. On site is outside water taps, compost bins, and plenty of pots. All you would need to bring is some compost an your seeds (and of course your green fingers!)

Please let us know on 01253 762833 if this is something of interest to you.


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