“At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God's own love and concern.” -

Mother Theresa

The season of Advent has well and truly begun! We are underway with preparations for our concerts and nativities and now hear the beautiful sounds of the children rehearsing their carols and songs.

On Monday we had a visit from Daisy, a gaplain at St Mary’s who works on behalf of CAFOD (The Catholic Agency for Overseas Developments) She told us about ways we could think about those who may really struggle at Christmas - both at home and overseas. Our amazing children came up with some wonderful ways that we could put the needs of others before ourselves and try to raise a little money this Advent to purchase something needed by families in other countries, such as chickens, grain, or school supplies.

We have agreed that we will not send individual Christmas cards to our whole class, but instead bring in £1 (which is much less that we would have spent on 30 cards) and donate that to our school CAFOD appeal. Also we will hold a whole school ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ on Thursday 19th December when everyone who wants to wear their Christmas Jumper on that day, can also bring in £1 as a donation for CAFOD.

Last night a group of our children took part in a beautiful Advent Service together with children from schools across Blackpool. It was a beautiful event and really put us in the Christmas Spirit. At this event there was also a collection for CAFOD which raised an astounding £169.36!

I was so proud of the children - as was Father Jim who also came along to the service! - A wonderful evening!


Just to remind everyone that we are beginning our Advent masses this Friday.

We would be delighted if you could join us for these 3  special Advent Masses which will take place each Friday morning at 8.10am 

These are for all children (& family) who can come along for 20 mins to join us in celebrating the end of each week of  Advent in a wonderful way  — by celebrating the  Eucharist   together!

We need children to read, to altar serve and also bring offertory gifts….

We then have a drink and toast (or even mince pies) together in our dining hall  before returning to class by 8.55am


The first mass is this Friday—6th  December & will be held in church

Friday 13th December and Friday 20th December mass will be held in the school hall.







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