We are so proud of our amazing children here at Our Lady’s.

During the past 2 months we have been on a ‘Mission’. That mission was to help others less fortunate than ourselves - following Pope Francis’ Extraordinary Month of Mission which began in October. The children decided that they wanted to collect foodstuffs for local families by donating towards Foodbanks. Our parishioners have already taken all the things which were collected and are distributing them to families across our town as we speak!

Our Key Stage 2 children collected items to make Christmas Shoeboxes - to send gifts to children across the world. They have done a wonderful job and we made 30 boxes which will be taken to our local delivery centre this week.

We want to say a huge thank you to families for supporting us in this.

However, it’s always the most unexpected things which can sometimes mean so much. It has been the actions of some of our Year 6 children which have really made such an impact over the past 2 weeks. Due to their entrepreneurial skills (making bookmarks and loom bands to sell) they enabled school to raise enough money to cover the postage and packing to send our boxes to countries abroad - raising an amazing £126.37!!!!

Mrs Ormerod took 2 of the pupils to deliver the boxes today and another child will finish the delivery tomorrow.

Because of all the donations we have been asking recently, school has decided not to fundraise for Children in Need tomorrow. Our wonderful children are already thinking of the next ideas they would like to lead in order to raise further money at Christmas time. Therefore we are not dressing up or collecting our usual pennies for Pudsey.

Again - a huge thank you to everyone for all your help and support for our special ‘Mission’ - WELL DONE!

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