This term we have all been encouarging each other to ‘shine our light’ as we try to live out the virtues of being curious and active in our faith and indeed all we do!

The children of Our Lady of the Assumption never cease to amaze us with all the wonderful ways they shine with Christ’s Light in the things they do and say! This half-term has been no exception…

We have completed some fantastic work in our classes whilst also continuing our sports, arts activities, mentoring work, buddying, ambassadors and various leadership roles - and that’s just what we undertake in school time! We are so proud of the children and the enthusiastic way they love to be actively involved in all activities to support not only school, but each other and our whole community - from altar serving at church to leading assemblies and helping others in the office, dining hall and around school. You really are all ‘shining your lights’ and it is wonderful to see you being so active in your learning and in your caring for others!


Dates of events:

Parents, please do keep a look out for the dates coming up soon of various events in and around school. These are regularly posted on your child’s class blog pages & also on on the dates tab of our website. Some coming up soon are:

‘Safer Internet Day’ - February 11th, ‘Silly Sock Day’ - February 13th (£1 cost to wear some weird and wonderful sock creations that day!), Half Term break - February 14th - February 23rd, Ash Wednesday - February 26th, ‘Julia Donaldson evening’ for Rec and Yr 1 children - February 28th, ‘World Book Day’ - March 5th and many other events.

World Book Day 2020

We have really tried to encourage and celebrate the children’s reading this year, remebering the variety of books, print, stories, news and amazing and interesting things there are for us to read! Our Julia Donaldson Evening is a wonderful way to encourage our youngest children to read and have so much fun listening to rhyme and predictable stories as well as thinking about the journey’s of the characters in these stories.

Many of you may also be aware that the church has designated this year as ‘The Year of The Word’, encouraging us to really read and think about the bible and the richness of scripture contained within it. Father Jim has already set us the challenge of designing a new cover for the church Book of The Gospels (Which Fr reads from each Sunday)

On World Book Day itself (Thursday 5th March) we are inviting the children to dress up as a character if they want to - but, for those who do not wish to dress up, you can have the challenge of simply designing/making a prop to bring in on World Book Day from a chosen book, which is a clue to the book itself. (ie a pocket watch - the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, a pair of red shoes - Dorothy, etc etc - the more unusual the better to keep everyone guessing) or how about just coming in dressed as a word from a book - or covered in words from a book… everyone then has to ‘read you’ to find out the book!

On the day we will have Dan Worsley - our local author and this year’s Patron of Reading for our school who will be coming in to deliver an assembly for the school and then will be working with Year 5 and Year 6 throughout the morning. We will also have some Quiz Competitions about books and authors going on throughout the day. If any parents would like to join us to be ‘guest storytellers’ that day - please let us know.


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