The past couple of weeks have seen real acts of kindness among our children and families…

Year 6 led us in a beautiful act of Remembrance on Friday 9th November and then celebrated World Kindness Day on 13th November (You can still see some of the flowers they made with their kind thoughts and actions around the school!)

Then, on Friday 16th November children and staff brought in lose change to fill up our giant Pudsey. (There are still a few spaces, so any more coins will be gratefully appreciated!) Each year at this time our children usually count up the money and help to ‘bag’ the coins to be taken to the collection points…

At the end of last week, school discovered that a family in school were really suffering due to being given the news of their young child’s life-threatening illness diagnosis. We always use money collected to support ‘Children in Need’ but, would like to ask if there would be any objections to using the money donated for Pudsey this year - to go to support one of our own children in need during a very difficult time.

Please let us know in school if you would prefer your donation to still go to the national organisation rather than to support a family from our own school community who are in great need at this time. Whatever your decision - all our children really need your prayers!

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