Following safety concerns raised by a number of parents, staff and governors regarding unsafe stopping of vehicles around school, local police and community officers will be undertaking targeted visits to deter parking around our school at the beginning and the end of the school day over the next few weeks.
Our major concern is with unsafe (and illegal) stopping on the zig-zag lines and in front of entrances by drivers.
For your information, the School Keep Clear marking, where there is an upright sign in place, provides a mandatory prohibition of stopping during the times shown. You should not stop, not even to pick up or set down children or passengers.
A letter will be coming home with a leaflet which children can colour in.
We will also be holding a ‘design a banner’ competition and have asked the children to think of ideas to make their own banner to remind everyone of the dangers of stopping in these clearly marked areas. The winner of this will have their design made into a banner which will be displayed near the zig-zag lines outside school permanently.
Please have a look at this information and please work with us to ensure our children are safe at all times.