Our Lady’s has been celebrating Harvest! The children had a special visitor in assembly - Mr Allan; who came to tell us all about the difference our ‘spare’ food could make to local families through ‘FoodBanks’.
Everyone in school has been busy collecting and we are delighted with all the gifts of food which have been donated for this brilliant cause. Thank you to everyone who has sent food items in to school for collection.
We had a lovely assembly led beautifully by the children this morning (we even had the ‘Our Father’ read by Y5 children in Spanish!) The gifts are being gathered and will be taken by Mr Allan to one of the FoodBanks on Tuesday 16th October.
Hot Chocolate Morning!
School Council held a fabulous Hot Chocolate fundraiser on Wednesday 17th October. Well done to them
(Details and pictures on the Pupil Voice area of our website)
Everyone who supported this event raised a wonderful £149. Well done to all involved!
Polite Notice - Dogs in playground.
As you will have seen on the gates of school - we ask that families DO NOT bring dogs onto the playground when collecting or bringing children to school.
Some people unfortunately are continuing to bring their dog when collecting after school. I am hoping this is because you haven’t seen our notices and do not know this is school policy. If that is the case then you are politely reminded of this and asked not to bring a dog with you onto school grounds.
Thank you