Year 6 lead our Candlemas assembly beautifully on Monday afternoon. They were all shining lights! 🕯
Here is what else we have been up to….
In Maths this week we started to look at a new maths concept: algebra. Although this has not been the easiest concept for us to get our heads around, we have done a really good job at finding rules and expressing them as algebraic formula. We had to identify patterns in order to find these rules. We also know that in algebra 3 x n is the same as 3n!
In English we used our inferential reading skills to find points and evidence in the introduction of The Little Princess. We then went on to use an extract from The Wizard of Oz to blend action, dialogue and description. We then used these skills to write a cohesive paragraph of our own. We are now at the point where we are planning our shared write, ready to start it next week! After half term, each of us will then do an independent write, using our shared write to help and guide us.
In RE we looked at the life and actions of Fr. Pedro Opeka. He was a strong, courageous man who stood up for what he believed in when he saw the unjust conditions that the poor were living in, in a town in Argentina. He used his own funds to buy land and plant crops and helped to build houses for the poor. His selfless actions had a huge impact on the people living in these areas. We then had to do some self reflecting, thinking about the ways that we can learn from his and Oscar Romero’s actions. How can we be inspired to work for justice in our everyday lives?
In Science we continued with our topic on ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. Our focus this week was on the adaptation of plants. We looked at some different plants and what adaptations they have to help them to surivive in their habitat. For example, some plants have poisonous leaves to protect them from predators and some plants, like the cactus, have spikes to prevent predators from eating them. The cactus also stores water in its leaves to help it to survive in dry areas. After researching and writing up on some plant adaptations, some children then got round to creating their own species of plant and labelling their adaptations.
In Geography our focus was on coastlines and beaches. We compared different beaches in the Uk-what was similar, what was different? The class aslo shared what beaches in the UK they had visited and what it was like there. They then used their dictionary skills to find definitions of geographical language.
In Computing we used Logo to create nested loops. We used coding to repeat a pattern/shape and learnt shortcuts to save us from writing out repeated lines of code over and over again.
The Golden Award went to Kurt for being such a kind and considerate member of the class.
The Writing Award went to Ronnie for a huge improvement in his wrriten work
The Maths award went to Darcy for her great work on ratio.
On Thursday 6th February, Dance club performed at the Winter Gardens as part of ‘Schools Alive’. Well done to everyone involved, you were fantastic! Please follow the link below to view some pictures of the event.
⚽ PE day- Wednesdays.
📝Homework- I have set homework this week, details of which can be found on the Year 6 Homework Page. Please can you encourage your child to complete all homework set, as I still have some children not completing all of their online homework.
📩 Contact information- if you need to contact me for any reason, please email using
📆 Thursday 13th February The school council has decided to run 'What I would like to be when I leave school' day in order to raise funds for CAFOD. They are asking children to dress up as someone they would like to be when they grow up This can be anything so please do not feel like you have to buy a costume for this occasion, props from home or a simple paintbrush in hand (if they wish to be a painter) will do perfectly.
A contribution of £1 is now live to pay on ParentPay and will go towards raising money for CAFOD.
📆 We break up fro helf term on Thursday 13th February (normal finishing time) and return on Tuesday 25th February.
Science Week Year 6 Project
Mrs Ormerod was explaning to the class that we will be par-taking in a science fashion show based around the theme ‘Change and Adapt-reduce, reuse and recycle.’ She has explained that if anyone would like to be involved in this event, the project is to create a fashion garment that is wearable, using recycled/reused materials. This would need to be created at home and brought into school after half term. All entries will then be fashioned on a ‘catwalk’ in school, and the two winning garments will be taken to a fashion show at SJV with all other winning entires from the Trust. An overall winner will then be selected! This is optional however, the more entries we have, the better! So get your creative/eco thinking caps on!
✝Wednesday Word and TenTen Newsletter
Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…
WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
🖥Online Safety at Our Lady’s
At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.
Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.
This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…
What Parents & Educators Need to Know about TikTok. This free guide explores the potential online safety risks of TikTok, letting you know how to safeguard children and young people who use the platform.
We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all. Thank you.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Murphy, Mrs Ormerod & Mrs Owen