This week, I have spoken to the class about preparing their speeches for Head Boy/Girl, should they wish to apply for the role.

We have practised the speeches in front of the class and I am impressed with the children’s confidence.

This year we are able to read the speeches in front of the whole school on Monday 16th September.

Please ensure you have your speeches perfected and at hand on Monday morning!

I am so pleased at the number of children in Year 6 that are applying for the Head Boy/Girl role….reading publicly, in front of an audience, is a huge skill and confidence boost in itself. In Year 6 ALL pupils will be given a role of responsibility, so even those who are not selected for the role of head girl/boy or deputy head girl/boy, and those who did not apply, will have a duty within the school. This could be digital leader, sports leader, prefect, classroom monitor, for example. We find that it is really important, and valuable, for the Year 6’s to be given roles of responsibility as part of the preparation for High School.

Here are some top tips for when you are writing your speech….

  • Introduce yourself-not all children in school will know you by name!

  • Talk about your time at Our lady’s so far-What responsibilities have you had? What have you achieved? What good qualities will you bring to the role?

  • Talk about why you want the position

  • What suggestions do you have to make Our Lady’s an even better place?

  • How has the ethos at Our Lady’s help to shape you into the person you are? How will you inspire others in the school? (Growth Mindset-resilience?)

Good luck to all applicants…remember to speak eloquently and confidently and try not to look down at your speech-engage with the audience as must as possible. Remember DON’T RUSH !

Here is what else we have been up to this week….

In Maths we have been focusing on place value. We have been reading and writing 6-digit numbers, understanding the importance of zero as a place holder as well! There is a big difference between 604, 521 and 64,521!! We have also looked at multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.

In English we have focused aspects of grammar and vocabulary choice for effect. We have also had discussions about what nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs are…we will do more on this in our GPS lesson next week.

In RE we continued with our first unit ‘The Kingdom of God’. We talked about what we thought the Kingdom of God was.

In History we started our topic on ‘The Battle of Britain’ by using our concept map vocabulary to show what we already know about the BoB and WWII. We then ordered some key events from WWII chronologically and created a time line of key events.

Home work

Home work expectations:

Home work is a key part of learning progression in year 6 and it is essential that all home work is completed by Thursday. I am sure you will encourage them to stick to a deadline and begin to work independently in preparation for high school. If your child does not understand any of the concepts please do not hesitate to let me know and I can go over the work with them after school.

I will post the homework for the week on this page.

I will give the children spellings on a Friday to be tested on the following Friday.

Please make sure that your child is completing at least 2 Bedrock sessions a week as this improves their vocabulary which in turn supports their reading comprehension and writing skills.

I have given the children an Autumn term work book for maths which will be used both for home work and in school.

All the children are familiar with IXL and TT Rock Stars.

i am sure I do not need to tell you the importance of reading every day. The reading record books are checked on a daily basis so we can track their reading time.

HOME WORK for 13.9.2024 to be handed in on 19.9.2024

  1. Maths work book page 6and 7

  2. Bedrock

  3. Times tables 7

  4. IXL - English LL2 prepositions and their objects


Golden Award : Olivia S

English Award: Teddy

Maths Award: Emilia

Well done to the whole class for working extremely hard this week. Enjoy your weekend!!!

Authorfiona ormerod