This has been a very busy week for year six: with a football tournament for the boys on Monday, a trip to Hangar 42 on Wednesday, a girls football match on Friday plus preparations for our Remembrance Assembly on Monday and that is without mentioning all the learning we have been doing!

As you can see from the photographs we had an extremely interesting day building on our knowledge of the Battle of Britain. At the end of the day there was a competition and the winner was able to sit in the cockpit of a spitfire! Well done Elsie.

Well done to the year six girls football team for winning their match.

The year 6 boys played well but unfortunately lost their match, however they demonstrated great sportsmanship.

Well done to all the player!


The Golden Award went to Lilly for her respectful attitude to all.

The Writing Award went to Amelia for her beautiful presentation of her work.

The Maths award went to Zahra for his resilience.

Authorfiona ormerod