Our RE topic and our Worship and Gospel theme this week have aligned perfectly. It has been all about forgiveness. We know from Sunday’s Gospel reading that Jesus told his disciples to forgive ‘not seven times, but seventy-seven times’ . He was teaching his followers that we should not limit the amount of times we forgive others, we should always try to forgive when someone has wronged us and seeks our mercy. Well this linked in perfectly with our RE topic about The Kingdom of God. This week, we were showing an in depth understanding that God’s Kingdom is for everyone! We looked at some parables that emphasised how God’s forgiveness is limitless. Even the repentant sinner is welcome in God’s Kingdom-in fact, God will go out of his way to seek those who have sinned and strayed from Him and welcome them, with open arms, into his Kingdom! This week we also celebrated our first whole school mass together. This was a special time to gather together for collective worship and a lovely welcome to the new school year.
Here is what else we have been up to this week….
In Maths our focus has been on written methods for long multiplication and long division. We also started to look at common factors.
In English we have completed another piece of writing- a formal letter of application. We have been pretending to be Walt Disney applying for a job as chief animator, working for Pixar. We used his biography to gather evidence for each statement from the person specification and used this to form our letter. We recapped the formalities of letter writing and the do’s and don’t’s of formal pieces of writing. The class did write a formal letter to me on Day 1 of Year 6 so this most recent piece of writing will be very useful for me to compare and see progress/targets in writing for each child in the class.
In Science we completed the labeling of different parts of the heart and described the functions of the heart, blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries) and blood.
In History we placed and described some of the key events of the Battle of Britain on a time line.
In Computing we have been codebreaking! We looked at some different types of codes and what they might be used for. We then had a go at cracking and creating our own codes!
🧑Head Boy & Girl 👩
I must begin by saying how incredibly proud I am of all of those who applied for the role of Head Girl & Boy. Every single applicant delivered their speech so well, which made it a very difficult decision for the rest of the pupils and teachers when it came to placing their votes. I can, however, announce that after counting up all the votes, our new Head Girl is Charlotte and our Head Boy is Joseph. Receiving the second most votes, our Deputy Head Girl is Lexi-Rose and our Deputy Head Boy is Bobby. Well done to you all!
The Golden Award went to Avie for being just a thoughtful and respectful member of the class. Avie is a wonderful friend to all.
The Writing Award went to Emma for a great choice of vocabulary in her formal letter of application
The Maths award went to Frankie for his brilliant mental maths. He always does so well in our Fluent in 5!
PE days- Wednesdays this half term.
Water bottles-these need to be filled and brought in each day and taken home to be cleaned at the end of each day. Each child in the class was provided with a school water bottle-please can you ensure these are the bottles that are brought in daily and not their own water bottle from home.
Reading books - we have not yet completed a STAR Reading test, so the children do not have their new ZPDs yet. There is a problem getting the new classes set up but they will take this test as soon as possible. I have allowed the class to bring books home this week, just based on books they like the sound of. Hopefully the books they take home will match their ZPD, from next week.
All of Year 6 now have their appointed roles within school.
Homework- I have set homework this week, details of which can be found on the Year 6 Homework Page.
Contact information- if you need to contact me for any reason, please email using year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Murphy, Mrs Owen & Miss Evans