This week in RE we have been continuing our work on ‘The Kingdom of God’. After looking at some of the values of the Kingdom of God, we then responded to the question Is the Kingdom of God in heaven? If not, where can I find it? We quickly realised that the Kingdom of God is not just in heaven, it is here on earth and it starts within us and grows the more we do good deeds. We focused on some of Jesus’ parables that he used to explain God’s Kingdom and referenced these to support our responses. We also looked at what Pope Francis had to say, highlighting the importance that the Kingdom of God is hidden within us like a seed in the ground, which grows and becomes great by the power of the Holy Spirit. I was really inspired by what the class had to share when we talked about how we could help the Kingdom of God to grow through the things we do every day.
Here is what else we have been up to this week….
In Maths we have focused on negatives numbers and written and mental methods for addition/subtraction and multiplication. I have loved hearing the different methods the class have used to work out calculations! This is why I love maths so much - there are so many different ways to get to the same answer!
In English we have continued with our ‘Biography’ unit focusing on new vocabulary, scanning texts for key information, identifying cohesive devices and using evidence from a text to support ideas. We have covered all of this using a range of different biographies! In these first few weeks of a new unit it is so important to immerse the class in the genre of biographies and what better way to do that then to read a range of them?!
In Science we started a new unit on ‘The Circulatory System’. To begin with everyone in the class had a go at drawing what they thought the human heart looked like. We then looked at a diagram of the heart to see how similar or dissimilar our depiction was. We then drew a more accurate diagram of the heart and started to identify and label some of the main parts of the heart.
In History we did some research on The Battle of Britain on our laptops and them presented this information in a leaflet. I am very impressed with the standard of these information leaflets!
In PE we had our first lesson with the BFC coaches and this term our focus is on hockey. We will be learning some of the skills involved with hockey and transferring these to play matches, in teams, against each other.
The Golden Award went to Chase for his focus in class-I am very impressed.
The Writing Award went to Elsie for her well-written information text all about the Battle of Britain.
The Maths award went to Jacob for his ability to explain the mental methods he uses.
PE days- Wednesdays this half term.
Water bottles-these need to be filled and brought in each day and taken home to be cleaned at the end of each day. Each child in the class was provided with a school water bottle-please can you ensure these are the bottles that are brought in daily and not their own water bottle from home.
Reading books - we have not yet completed a STAR Reading test, so the children do not have their new ZPDs yet. There is a problem getting the new classes set up but they will take this test as soon as possible. I have allowed the class to bring books home this week, just based on books they like the sound of. Hopefully the books they take home will match their ZPD, from next week.
Homework- I have set homework this week, details of which can be found on the Year 6 Homework Page.
Head Boy/Girl speeches will be delivered in assemble to the whole of the school on Wednesday (20th) morning.
Contact information- if you need to contact me for any reason, please email using I do apologise as I have not got access to this email address yet, but this is being sorted. I will hopefully have full access by early next week.
Thank you, Year 6, for your continued efforts this week. I have had a delightful first couple of weeks back!
Mrs Murphy, Mrs Owen & Miss Evans