Hello parents!

We apologise for the delay in getting this blog to you - yesterday was such a hectic day that before we knew it we were getting ready for bed! When we first arrived the children had a tour of the site and were introduced to the Water Park staff. We then had a yummy lunch and were shown where we were sleeping. This was the part the children were most excited for - their bedrooms! We then split in to our groups for the week - Coniston, Brown Pike, Swirl How and Wetherlam. The activities for yesterday afternoon were ghyll scrambling, kayaking and canoeing.

The children were all brilliant and had a fantastic time. We then came back to the house and had our tea - pizza followed by lemon cheesecake. We had a fun game of manhunt in the grounds and hot chocolate before bedtime.

Water Park is set in such beautiful surroundings - on the shores of Consiton Water - and we all feel very lucky to be here taking part in activities we would never usually do. We are really pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and at the same time learning how to be more independent and resilient. As teachers, we couldn’t be prouder of them all. Here is what the different groups got up to today:

Wetherlam - orienteering, low ropes, leap of faith, sailing

Coniston - rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing and low ropes

Swirl How - ghyll scrambling and climbing

Brown Pike - Journey Day

After the activities above we had a tea of lasagne, salad and sticky toffee pudding! We then played a game called Dino Quest outside followed by hot chocolate. As I write this, the children are currently playing an intense game of Uno in the lounge!

We have tried to take photos where we can, but we are having some connection issues. We will get them uploaded as soon as possible for you to see. We hope you enjoy seeing what your children have been up to and we will post another blog tomorrow for you. Please don’t worry - your children are all fine and having a great time.

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Owen, Miss Evans and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac