My Year 6 Leavers 2022!

Today brings me to the end of my year with my wonderful Year 6 class. I want to thank my class, from the bottom of my heart, for working so hard this year. They have all shown such resilience, determination and focus, particularly these past few weeks, and I could not be any prouder of them. Every single child in this class has been an absolute delight to teach and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them all personally.

Year 6, I will certainly miss each and every one of you, and I wish you all the best at High School. You are all stars, so make sure you shine bright! ⭐

Thank you also to you parents for your continued support throughout the year. Together we have helped to see your children through their last year in Primary School and they will all be leaving with so many achievements and successes to their name-this would not have been possible without the encouragement, love and support you have shown them at home. I must also thank you for all of the kind words and gifts I have been showered with today. I am extremely overwhelmed and grateful! Thank you. ❤

Our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations!


  • PE days: After half term, our PE days will remain on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. If for any reason this changes, we will send a text to let you know.

  • Monday 6th June Morning Arrangements: On our return to school (6th June), Year 6 will be going to Water Park. On this morning, the class can come into school as usual: 8.45am arrival through the Thornhill Close entrance. They will line up as usual, on the playground, and take their suitcases straight into the PE hall. Here they will be registered etc, before getting on the coach and setting off at about 9.30am.

Our Lady’ Leavers 2022…….

I hope you all have a lovely two weeks break. I will be spending the majority of mine preparing to welcome a new addition to the Murphy family!

It will not, however, be the last time I see the class. I fully intend to pop back in again and introduce them to Baby Murphy, at some point!

Take care!

Mrs Murphy xx

AuthorCatherine Slater