In HRSE this week we have been looking at our gifts and talents. We watched a video following four different children, who had many similarities and also many differences. They each had talents in different areas, and the overall message was that we celebrate our difference…the world would be a boring place if we were all the same! We know that God made us all unique and loves us all individually. He wants us to love ourselves and show love to others too, embracing all of our differences and celebrating the fact that we are special and unique!
Here’s what else we have been up to this week…
In Maths we have been converting measurements. We have been converting between metric measures of length (cm, mm and m) and also between kilograms and miles…this was a little trickier as it was a conversion between a metric and an imperial measurement!
In English we completed our guided write and have now planned our independent write. Today, we made a start on our actual writing and will continue with this next week.
In Computing we continued using Python coding to instruct our ‘turtles’ to make a house. Some of us even got on to remixing our codes.
In RE our focus was on The Liturgy of the Word. We discussed how important it is to listen to the readings in Mass, as this is how we learn more about our mission to help fulfil the Word of God. We then looked up some references and wrote about the key messages in each passage and how they might influence moral values and behaviours.
In PE we continued with our gymnastic sequences, improving them before showing them to the rest of the class.
In Spanish we consolidate our learning of numbers, playing a fun game, and started to look at names of different animals.
This week also have some visitors in. On Monday, two firemen from the Lancashire Fire Department come it to talk to us all about Road Safety. This was a really important lesson and was very appropriate with many of the class making their way to High School independently in September. On Thursday, a gentleman from SCARF Education came and delivered a session on decision-making and drugs. We talked about how many important decisions we have to make in life and also about different types of drugs: medicinal, non-medicinal, legal and illegal.
The Golden Award went to Lennon for being so kind and considerate to those around him.
The Writing Award was given to Molly for the effort she put into her guided write.
The Maths Award went to Grace for her great work this week.
Parents’ Meeting- Monday February 21st
We will be holding Parent Teacher Meetings again on MONDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2022 - these will be held virtually, as they were in October. You will receive an email/text with the information shortly, informing you of how to can book your 10 minute appointment. During these meetings I will be able to inform you of the progress you child has made since the last time we spoke in October and what preparation will be in place for our upcoming SATs. It is important that I meet with all parents.
Other Notices:
PE days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery.
Long hair must be tied back.
If your child is showing any cold symptoms PLEASE test them for Covid using a lateral flow test and if in any doubt, please go for a PCR. We must all do what we can to ensure this does not spread through school - we all know how quickly germs spread among children and although they might not be badly affected, those around them may well be. Many, many thanks for your continued support on this issue.
I will update the Home Learning Page if there are any members of the class having to isolate due to Covid, and are well enough to complete work. It is not expected for those who are off with other illnesses to complete Home Learning, hence why it is only updated for those isolating.
Have a lovely weekend! I can hardly believe there are only two weeks left of this half term!
Mrs Murphy and Mrs Owen