In RE this week, we have been learning the Penitential Act and discussing its meaning. We say the Penitential Act together at the very beginning of mass, acknowledging our sins and asking for forgiveness. The class have been reflecting on the ways in which we may sin through our, thoughts, words, deeds (what I have done) and omissions (what I have failed to do). It was interesting discussing how we can be sinful through our omissions…sometimes it is our lack of action that is sinful. The parable of the Good Samaritan helped us to understand this.

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths we have been drawing and measuring angles and converting measurements from grams to kilograms, and vice versa. We made the link between 1kg=1000g, and the need to multiply or divide by 1000 when converting between the two.

In English we have continued our guided write. We are very near the end of this piece of writing now, and will be ready to plan and write up our independent write next week. We have been focusing on using: a variety of punctuation; cohesive devices; relative clauses; effective sentence starters; blending action, speech and description.

In Geography we labelled a map of the UK. To begin with, we were given a blank map and had to label any countries, seas, boundaries, capital cities, or rivers that we thought we already knew, before research. We then filled in a second template using an atlas to help us research. We could then compare our two maps to see how accurate (or inaccurate) we were. We also discussed the difference between the UK and Great Britain…ask us at home!

In Science we have been identifying living things, their habitats and what adapted traits they have.

In Computing we were working with Python, a real programming language which is used to build many websites, including YouTube and Google. We explore Python’s basic commands and created a basic picture using Python commands.

In HRSE we used the story of The Calming of the Storm to reflect on the changes we have been through in our life so far, and what changes we have yet to come. Just like the sudden change in the weather in the Calming of the Storm, we know that in life we face many sudden changes, and in both circumstances we can rely on Jesus to be there for us to help us with any troubles we may encounter. Some of the changes we have yet to come, that we discussed, were the move to high school, making new friends, growing up and our bodies changing, deciding what career we what to pursue, moving away from home and many more…as exciting as many of these changes are, I know some of these can be very daunting…this is why we must be comforted in the knowledge that Jesus will always be there to see us through any challenges ahead.

In Spanish we revised the numbers we already knew and began to learn numbers up to 39. The class were very good at remembering what they had learnt n Year 5 already!

In PE we created gymnastic sequences and introduced different levels. The class used the equipment to create a fluid sequence, including our previously taught elements. I was very impressed with how sensible the class were when using the equipment and they produced some good sequences….

In Art we have been using our critical thinking skills, while looking at some artwork by Vincent Van Gogh. We had a silent debate, in which we made our way around the classroom (silently of course!) and jotted down our opinions on each piece of art…


This week’s Golden Award went to Isabella for being a kind, caring and hard-working member of the class.

The Maths Award went to Sam for his superb work on converting grams to kilograms.

The Writing award went to Mia for her accurate use of more sophisticated punctuation.

Active Blackpool February Sports Camp

Mrs Holden, our PE lead, has sent us some information regarding a half term Sports Camp for those with moderate learning difficulties. Session will provide an opportunity for children and young people with mild to moderate additional needs to experience sporting and physical activities they may be already familiar with but also some new and exciting activities along the way.

Monday 14th February 2022 – Friday 18th February 2022

08.30 – 17.30

Full and half day options available

 Please contact for bookings and further information.

Other Notices:

  • PE days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • Only a watch and plain stud earrings may be worn to school-no other jewellery.

  • Long hair must be tied back.

  • If your child is showing any cold symptoms PLEASE test them for Covid using a lateral flow test and if in any doubt, please go for a PCR. We must all do what we can to ensure this does not spread through school - we all know how quickly germs spread among children and although they might not be badly affected, those around them may well be. Many, many thanks for your continued support on this issue.

  • I will update the Home Learning Page if there are any members of the class having to isolate due to Covid, and are well enough to complete work. It is not expected for those who are off with other illnesses to complete Home Learning, hence why it is only updated for those isolating.

As always, have a lovely weekend and take care.

Mrs Murphy & Mrs Owen

AuthorCatherine Slater