On Thursday, we all (except Year 6 who are out of school on their residential trip this week) attended church for a whole school mass. Year 5 demonstrated their leadership skills by being good role models and supporting their buddies in church. Some of the children also took part in the mass by reading the first and second readings and the responsorial psalm. Well done to the readers, who read beautifully, and to all of Year 5 by showing their respect and reverance in church.
Our award winners:
Golden Award (CARE) - Connie
Writing Award - Lilly Ch & Corben
Maths Award - Olivia S
Our learning this week…
In English the children have been exploring images from our text, KIng Kong, and have described him using similes and metaphors to create a list poem. The children have also predicted the sequence of pictures and have used fronted adverbials of place, manner and time to sequence and make the story flow better.
In maths this week we have continued to use long multiplication methods and have also begun looking at dividing 4-digit numbers using the short method (bus stop method).
In RE we considered what sin means and have been discussing the consequences of wrong choices. The children have also worked together in pairs to plan a liturgy, which they will deliver during this term up to the end of Year 5.
This week’s prayer and liturgy was planned and led by Hallie and Isaac. Their liturgy was on the theme of Seeing Jesus and how kind acts allow us to see Jesus in each other. The reading comes from the Gospel of Luke 24: 35 - 48 and tells how the disciples were shocked at Jesus’ appearance. They could not believe it when they saw He was real - eating ‘before their eyes’.
“ While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” Luke 24: 35 - 48
In Science we have looked at the foetal development of human babies and compared anatomically correct models.
In PE the children are working with PE specialist Erin from Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. The focus of their lessons this half term is rounders.
To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel
Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Mrs McVey, Mrs McCooey and Miss Evans