Welcome back to our third term of Year 5 - where has the time gone? I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and were able to spend some quality time together as a family. This week the theme of our class liturgies have been Eastertide. Just like Lent helps us to prepare for Easter, Eastertide helps us to prepare for Pentecost, when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples. Eastertide is a wonderful time of celebrating Jesus - because He's alive!
Our award winners:
Golden Award (RESPECT) - Zahra
Writing Award - Rosie
Maths Award - Peter
Our learning this week…
In English we have begun our new writing unit using the text ‘King Kong’ by Anthony Browne. Before the text was revealed, the children predicted the story from picture clues from the text. Then the children described the character of King Kong based on an illustration and a line from the text. The children have also written their own expanded noun phrases to describe some images from the text.
In maths this week we have been using short and long multiplication methods.
In RE we considered the actions of the older son in the parable of the prodigal son and have started thinking about what sin means.
This week’s prayer and liturgy was planned and led by Lily T and James. Their liturgy was on the theme of 'Eastertide’. The reading comes from the Gospel of John 20:21 - 33 and the prayers helped the children to grasp more deeply the reality and joy that Christ is alive now and has risen from the dead..
“ Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” John 20: 21-23
In Science we have looked at the life cycle of mammals.
In geography the children are working with Mrs Mannix and have begun looking at latitude and longitude.
In PE the children are working with PE specialist Erin from Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. The focus of their lessons this half term is rounders.
At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.
Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.
This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…
What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township This free information guide breaks down the popular online game Township: highlighting some online safety risks and offering tips on how to help children avoid them.
We hope you find this guide informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all.
To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel
Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Mrs McVey, Mrs McCooey and Miss Evans