Thank you for supporting our “Dress up for Brian House day” today by sending in your donations. It’s still not too late if you’ve not yet contributed. The children all looked great today in their brightly coloured own clothes. Thank you!
Yesterday, Year 5 had a class mass over at church. Father talked to them about what Reconciliation meant and what we need to do to ‘heal’ the relationship with our friends and with God, when things go wrong. Some of our children joined in with the mass by reading the bidding prayers and by taking up the offertry. All the children behaved beautifully and respectfully. Well done Year 5!
Our award winners:
Golden Award (RESPECT) - Olivia W
Writing Award - Grace
Maths Award - Alexander
Our learning this week…
In English we have explored the argument that takes place between Oberon and Titania, the King and Queen of the fairies, and have discovered the reasons why Titania won’t give up the changeling boy.
We also took part in a Live lesson from the RSC yesterday. This Live Lesson focused on the characters of Puck and Moth, looking at extracts from Act 2 Scene 1 and Act 5 Scene 1. It explored how the actors and director approached these scenes in rehearsals, how they unlocked language and explored a variety of performing choices. 🎭
In maths this week we have continued looking at the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and have used known measurements to work out the measurements of missing sides.
In RE we have begun a new topic on Reconciliation. This week we have discussed the ripple effect and the consequences for others when making good choices. The children thought of times they were helpful towards others and then considered the ripple effect of consequences for others around them.
This week’s prayer and liturgy was planned and led by Hallie, Isaac, Lola Mae and Ronnie. Their liturgy was on the theme of Joy Forever In Heaven based on the reading from John 3: 14-21. Through prayer, the children explored what it means to rejoice that Jesus the light has come into the world. The children shared the message that believing in Jesus brings joy here on earth and forever in heaven.
“But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.” John 3: 21
In geography the children are working with Mrs Mannix and have begun looking at latitude and longitude.
In PE the children are working with PE specialist Erin from Blackpool Football Club Community Trust. The focus of their lessons this half term is rounders.
In computing the children have created code to turn their microbit into a pedometer.
Wednesday 20th March Year 5 Lenten prayer reflection in church, 2.40pm - 3.15pm Parents are invited to attend and then they can collect their child at the end of the liturgy. The children will be dismissed from church on this day, so they will take all of their coats, bags etc with them. If you are unable to attend, we are now asking parents/carers to collect their child from church as this is now deemed the safest option due to traffic around school at this time. If your child is attending after school club, we will walk them back to school and take them to after school club once the liturgy is over.
Thursday 21st March School trip - Year 4 & 5 visit to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Thank you for sending back the reply slips and contributions for snacks and drinks. If you’ve not yet paid the contribution of £5 through Parent Pay, please can you do this as soon as possible so we know numbers for ice cream for the interval etc. A copy, with the day’s itinerary, is attached here. RSC visit letter.
A reminder that the children should wear full school uniform, school shoes and bring with them two packed lunches - one for lunch and one for tea time. Usual packed lunch rules apply - no sweets and no fizzy drinks. Food and drink will not be consumed on the coach. There will not be a toilet to use on board the coach so a stop will be made at a service station on both journeys.
To keep the children entertained on the journeys, we have requested a coach with a DVD player so we can watch films. If you’re not happy for your child to watch a PG certificate film, please let us know. The children are not allowed to bring any devices on the trip, but they can however bring a reading book and a notepad and pen if they wish.
To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel
Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Mrs McVey, Mrs McCooey and Miss Evans