Yesterday we went to Mass to celebrate the Ascension of our Lord. It is the day when Christians believe Jesus returned to heaven. This is really important for Christians, as it tells them that Jesus is alive and ruling with God the Father and the Holy Spirit as one person of the Trinity. Father told the children that we are now all teachers whose job it is to not just tell people about Jesus but also show them through our actions. Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you” and by showing others care, kindness and respect, we can live out Jesus’ words.

Our learning this week:

In English the children have worked in groups to sequence five images from our text ‘King Kong’ and have written their version of a story using adverbials of place, manner and time.

In Maths the children have been working on the perimeter of shapes.

In science the children have presented the results of an experiment on the most effective thermal insulators.

In history we have started our new topic on the Maya and have begun to find out where this civilisation lived and have used clues from artefacts to begin to understand something about the Maya.

PE/resilience - The children have played rounders this week.

Computing - The children have evaluated their stop motion skills and have made changes to make it better.

Art - The children have started to look at the work of Chris Ofili and have begun to create their own artwork inspired by his work.

Spanish - We have begun a new unit on Introducing myself “Me presento” and the children have recapped greetings and how to ask each other how they are.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Charlotte

Maths - Jack

Writing - Elsie

Star Award -

Resilient moves…

What resilient moves will you make this week? Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week to I look forward to receiving them.

This week’s resilient moves challenges are:

  • Fresh air and exercise (Basics)

  • Spend time with good people in good places (Belonging)

Pop Idol Final - Well done to Joseph!

On Tuesday evening children from primary and secondary schools across Blackpool competed against each other in a Pop Idol contest at Montgomery High school. Joseph from our class and Kyran from Year 6 represented our school. The boys had initially competed in school against some of their peers to win their places to represent our school. Well WOW! We were blown away by both boys, who gave such a confident performance and made us all proud! Joseph played the piano and sang Somewhere only we know by Keane - he did such a great job and sang so beautifully. Well done Joseph, we are so proud of you!👏🏻🤩

Grand Theatre trip 25th May 2023

Next Thursday is our trip to the Grand Theatre to watch a performance of Michael Rosen’s “Unexpected Twist” at the Grand Theatre . This performance is the re-telling of the Charles Dickens classic, Oliver Twist, by one of the best-loved figures in the children’s book world, Michael Rosen. Combining two stories in one; Rosen’s story and the Dickens classic that inspired it. Two stories that twist together, unexpectedly! We are reading this book in class and this story will inspire the children’s Tales Retold work this term. Payment of the trip can now be paid through Parent Pay - thank you to those of you who have already paid your child’s contribution. A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUL PTA WHO HAVE VERY KINDLY CONTRIBUTED £350 TOWARDS THE COST OF THIS TRIP AND OUR NEXT TRIP IN JULY! 🙏

To read this week’s Good News Gospel reading, please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. Good News Gospel

Please also have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worship…

TenTen Parent Newsletter
Hope you all have a lovely Bank holiday weekend Year 5! I hope you are all able to spend time with your families enjoying the celebrations of the Coronation.

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans, Mrs McCooey and Mrs Dunford

AuthorKay McVey