I can’t believe we’re already at half term, the last seven weeks seems to have flown by! The children have been working hard over this half term and it’s been lovely getting to know them. They’ve particularly enjoyed their new leadership responsibilities of Buddies to Reception and Play leaders to KS1.

Today we had our Harvest festival and we came together as a whole school to celebrate this. Thank you once again for your generous contributions to our Harvest collection, it’s' very much appreciated. The tins of food (over 400 tins) will be going to a local food bank for people within the community, which I’m sure you’ll agree is a worthy cause. Thank you for your support!

Our learning this week…

In English the children have built on their story plans and have written their own episode in the style of Jeremy Strong.

In Maths the focus has been on placing numbers on number lines of different scales up to one million.

In Science we have used and created mnemonics to help us remember the order of the planets in our solar system and have identified how they move in relation to the sun.

In geography we continued to use absolute location by reading the lines of latitude and longitude on maps. The children identified countries on World maps using lines of latitude and longitude.

In PE the children had their last session working on developing their leadership skills and have continued to work on adapting games that they can lead when playing with their buddies and KS1.

Our award winners:

Golden Award -

Maths - Mickey

Writing - Rion

Star Award - Charlotte

Reading champion

When the children read regularly, golden tickets are given out and then we do a draw at the end of each half term. Well done to Elsie, who is our golden ticket winner for this half term.

Bedrock Competition

Well done to all of Year 5 who achieved 120 points or more on Bedrock over this last half term. I wish you all luck for the Bedrock prize draw! A big congratulations goes to our Bedrock Champion, Charlotte, and well done to all the other children on our TOP 5 scoreboard. Well done! 👏🏻

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Charlotte 461 points ⭐️Bedrock Champion ⭐️

2. Emma 318 points

3 Hallie 292 points

4 Oscar O’C 284 points

5 Ola 271 points

6 Joshua 262 points

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. https://www.paperturn-view.com/uk/wednesday-word/half-term-holiday-special?pid=MTA101634&v=72.4

Dates for your diary…

Friday 4th November 6-7pm - KS2 Bonfire Night Disco. £3 a ticket (to be paid on Parent Pay) More details will follow in due course.

Sunday 4th December - Christmas Fair. More details to follow.

December - Christmas Jumper Day - date to be confirmed and more details to follow nearer the time.

Thank you for your support in donating to the PTFA’s non-uniform day. Hope you all have a great holiday and we’ll see you back at school on Tuesday 1st of November - don’t forget your swimming kits!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans, Mrs McCooey and Mrs Hodgkiss.

AuthorKay McVey