This week the children were involved in Reception’s Welcome assembly. They accompanied their buddies to assembly and helped present their very special Our Lady medals. Some of our Year 5’s read a prayer based around our school wish for them to live life to the full. Year 5’s were so mature and it’s so lovely to see the wonderful friendships that they have developed. In addition to this, Year 5 made a good start in their lunch time play leader role on the KS1 playground during lunch time.

Our learning this week…

In English we have looked at how a story grows through three stages of development and have evaluated a model for their own writing. The children have planned their own writing with this in mind.

In our Tales Retold workshop the children continued to work on their characterisation.

In Maths the focus has been on numbers to one million and representing number in different ways.

In geography we’ve been learning about absolute location by reading the lines of latitude and longitude on maps. The children all did really well and were able to identify places on maps of Europe and the UK using lines of latitude and longitude.

In Spanish the children were introduced to the Spanish alphabet and learning the phonetic sounds of some of the letters.

In PE the children have continued to work on developing their leadership skills and have been working and adapting games that they can lead when playing with their buddies and KS1.

In art the children have continued to work on their enlarged sketches based on the work of Hundertwasser.

Our award winners:

Golden Award - Hallie

Maths - Oscar Op.

Writing - Elsie

Star Award -

Bedrock Competition

Here is our TOP 5 on the scoreboard this week:

1 Charlotte 346 points

2 Emma 273 points

3 Hallie 248 points

4 Oscar O’C 242 points

5 Jacob 204 points

Well done to all the children who are on our leader board this week.👏🏻

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Harvest Thank you!

Thank you so much for all your wonderful contributions to our Harvest collection, it’s' very much appreciated. If you’ve not yet had chance to contribute, then there’s still time to bring some tins of food in which will be going to a local food bank for people within the community. Thank you for your support!

Blackpool Football Club Community Trust

A reminder to take part in the poster competition for Black History month. Please click the link for the poster information.

Dates for your diary…

Thursday 20th October - own clothes day. £1 per child to be donated for PTA fund via Parent Pay.

Friday 4th November 6-7pm - KS2 Bonfire Night Disco. £3 a ticket (to be paid on Parent Pay) More details will follow in due course.

Sunday 4th December - Christmas Fair. More details to follow.

December - Christmas Jumper Day - date to be confirmed and more details to follow nearer the time.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Mrs McVey, Miss Evans, Mrs McCooey and Mrs Hodgkiss.

AuthorKay McVey