Welcome back and a very happy new year! I trust you all had a lovely Christmas and we wish you all a great new year. The children have made a positive start to this new year and have started this new term with a great attitude and positive mind set.

We began this new year with a whole school assembly to celebrate Epiphany - the day the Kings visited God incarnate as Jesus Christ. Our focus for prayer and worship for this half term is to be curious and active just like the Magi were.

Our learning this week:

English - We have started our unit on Greek myth stories which links in nicely to our history unit on Ancient Greece. The children have begun to explore some of the features of a Greek myth and we have begun to look at the story of Pandora’s Box.

Maths - I have been very impressed with the work the children have done on fractions this week. They have been working very hard on simplifying fractions and have also been able to find equivalent fractions and decimals to a half, tenths and fifths.

RE - We’ve started exploring the story of Exodus and how Moses was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. The children used the Bible to look at Moses’ response to God when he was chosen for this special job.

Science - This week we started our new Forces topic and the children have identified and explained the different forces acting on objects.

Computing - The children have had fun this week learning about a device called a Micro:bit. They used programming skills to build a code and downloaded it to watch their program come alive.

Geography - To finish off our work from last term on the local area, the children have been looking at the data they collected from their field trip surveys and have presented their data in pie charts.

PSHE - This week’s Bounce Forward lesson concentrated on getting the children thinking about what they are good at and their strengths. It comes from many strands in the resilience framework, as their strength may come from any of the five potions.  The children considered different strengths and then shared with their learning partner one personal strength and they told their partner which strength they think they have. The last activity saw the children share out 5 sticky notes with a strength written on them and give them to different children in the class - each child received 5 strengths that other children think they have.

Remember to record the resilient moves you make over the week and if you have any photographs to share then please bring them in.

Our Award winners:

Golden award - Well done Leo who has come back to school this half term with a fantastic attitude and has given 100% to his work this week and joining in with class discussions and questions.

Writing award - Well done Claire who’s writing has really impressed me. Claire has included some lovely description and has really focused on including the features we have discussed.

Maths award - will be announced on Monday.

AuthorKay McVey