During this period of Lent we are think every day about how we can ‘walk towards’ Jesus. We have been thinking carefully about our actions, how we speak to others, how we treat other people and how we can always try to do our best.
Please follow this link below for more information on this week’s Gospel and to share some interesting activities at home.
We have been extremely busy with our learning in Year FOUR this week. Here’s what we have been up to…
Science week!
Wow! What a great week, we had a live lesson about reptiles’ adaptations on Friday; a visit from Falconry UK on Monday, Year 6 put on an incredible recycled fashion show on Tuesday; a visit from Blackpool Reptiles on Wednesday and on Thursday, the children investigation animals’ adaptations and did independent research into an animal of their choice. See below for the pictures.
In English, the children have been practicing punctuating speech accurately. using expanded noun phrases and identifying what the writers of our texts have done and why. We’ve also used drama to step inside the stories. The children used Sooper Books to read a few fairy tales and gather ideas for their fairy tales.
We’ve also continued reading Anglo-Saxon Boy as a class and “Help, My Gym Teacher is an Alien Overlord"
In Maths, the children have been working with fractions: simplifying them and adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers.
In Music, the children have continued playing their brass instruments. Keep playing at home! The hard work now will be worth it. I’ve been hearing really positive news about this, but I’ve been told the pieces they’re practicing are a secret! .
In RE, the children continued their sacred art.
In PE, the children continued their target game unit, practicing throwing, running and dodging
See below for some pictures from our normal lessons, including bits of drama, independent work and group research work.
GULP Challenge
The children have been continuing their GULP challenge, I’ve heard a few reports that they are managing temptations whilst out shopping! Keep it up Year 4!
Water Safety
Please see below for water safety information from Blackpool Beach Patrol.
YEAR 4! I am impressed! Everybody in the top 5, and 8 out of 10 of the top 10 are in Year 4!
The BEBCMAT Rock Stars Super League competition runs till the 11th April. Good luck everyone!
Our school is currently in 4th place out of 12 schools in the trust and we have scored 733 points (school average score) so far.
This week’s Our Lady’s Top of the Rock’s Leaderboard:
1st Matilda Year 4 17633
2nd Elsie Year 4 13574
3rd Ava Year 4 8219
4th Annie Year 4 7154
5th Frazer Year 4 6351
Well done to those on our leaderboard!
Wellbeing Wednesday
This week, the children learned a wonderful technique “Take 6 breaths”.
“I breathe in calm, I breathe out stress”
They also learned about the role of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex!
At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.
Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.
This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…
What Parents & Educators Need to Know about Roblox. This free guide highlights the potential risks of Roblox, including online encounters, inappropriate content, scams, and in-game purchases, and offers expert advice on how to mitigate these risks.
We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all. Thank you.
The Golden Award went to Eddie for his fantastic effort in every science lesson and great questions to our visitors.
The Maths award went to Penny for her effort in every Maths lesson
The Writing award went to Annie for the effort she has been making to improve her writing.
Children who had their reading records signed 5 times also got a Dog Man sticker!
Reading records, reading books and water bottles need to be in school every day, please.
Y4’s PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Earrings should not be worn on PE days.
Remember brass instruments on a Tuesday! If you don’t practice, you won’t improve.
Homework is available on the Y4 Homework section of the website, times tables and spellings will be tested next Friday.
Please keep sending your child in with their red water bottles or their GULP bottles. Air-Up and similar bottles are not appropriate for school, we have had a few issues with them leaking.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mr Bourn and Mrs Dunford