Inspired by the account of Jesus’ temptation in the desert, this Celebration of the Word assembly invites children to explore the Jubilee themes of slavery and freedom through the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Please follow this link below for more information on this week’s Gospel and to share some interesting activities at home.

Wednesday Word

We have been extremely busy with our learning in Year FOUR this week. Here’s what we have been up to…

In English, the children have begun their new unit based around “The Lost Happy Endings” We have read some more of the story and have been using drama to step into the roles of the characters. The children have also been reading a twisted fairy tale version of Snow White in preparation of writing their own.

In Maths, the children have been working with fractions, finding equivalent fractions, fraction families and simplifying fractions.

In Music, the children have continued playing their brass instruments. Keep playing at home! The hard work now will be worth it. I’ve been hearing really positive news about this, but I’ve been told the pieces they’re practicing are a secret! .

In RE, the children began their sacred art for the Jubilee Art competition. They also completed their Lenten promises, including the 3 strands of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.

In Geography, the children used the vocabulary f human and physical features, and defined different types of areas using the words tourist, residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural. Then they used Google Maps to find these areas online.

In PE, the children started their target game unit, practicing throwing and dodging.

In Science, the children have described ways to be safe with electrical appliances. Today there was also a fascinating live lesson about the adaptation of reptiles. They were enthralled!


YEAR 4! I am impressed! Everybody in the top 5, and 8 out of 10 of the top 10 are in Year 4!

The BEBCMAT Rock Stars Super League competition runs till the 11th April. Good luck everyone!

Our school is currently in 4th place out of 12 schools in the trust and we have scored 1130 points (school average score) so far.

This week’s Our Lady’s Top of the Rock’s Leaderboard:

1st     Matilda     Year 4 14280

2nd             Elsie                    Year 4   10585

3rd   Ava     Year 4 6714

4th     Annie            Year 4 5944

5th     Frazer                    Year 4       5703

Well done to those on our leaderboard! 


What a great day! The children completed work about their book character, read books, chose books for themselves and others from the library. And, Michael Rosen did a wonderful live lesson! I loved hearing the children perform Hand on The Bridge by Michal Rosen. I’ve not heard anyone performing Everybody yet though!

Wellbeing Wednesday

This week, we continued practicing observing with empathy. Adam gave the children situations to act out and in pairs, they observed, empathised and practiced what they would do in the real world. It was wonderful and I’ve heard reports of our Resilience Team finding people and helping them :) KEEP IT UP!

At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters. 

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents & Educators Need to Know about WhatsApp. This guide details the risks associated with popular messaging app WhatsApp, and lets you know how to safeguard younger users.

What Parents & Educators Need to Know about Marvel Rivals. This free guide breaks down the risks associated with the popular multiplayer title Marvel Rivals and lets you know how best to safeguard children and young people playing the game.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all. Thank you.


The Golden Award went to Amara

The Maths award went to Archer

The Writing award went to Austin for the effort he has put into all his writing and particularly his Snow White Haiku.

Children who had their reading records signed 5 times also got a Dog Man sticker!


  • Reading records, reading books and water bottles need to be in school every day, please.

  • Y4’s PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Earrings should not be worn on PE days.

  • Remember brass instruments on a Tuesday! If you don’t practice, you won’t improve.

  • Homework is available on the Y4 Homework section of the website, times tables and spellings will be tested next Friday.

  • Please keep sending your child in with their red water bottles or their GULP bottles. Air-Up and similar bottles are not appropriate for school, we have had a few issues with them leaking.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mr Bourn and Mrs Dunford

AuthorGlynis Wilson