Year 4’s learning this week:
In Year 4’s RE and Liturgy time this week, we have been thinking in depth about Jesus’ ascension into heaven forty days after his resurrection. We explored the disciples feelings around Jesus’ ascension and how they might have felt that they were saying goodbye to Jesus for a second time.
We then started to explore Jesus’ previous words that we thought were important for this moment, when he spoke about going to “prepare a place” for them in God’s house in which there are “many rooms”. Year 4 considered this in more detail, evidence that in God’s house everyone is welcome and there is always enough room for anyone who seeks God’s help.
Finally, we then moved on to thinking about how Jesus’ ascension moves onto the feast of Pentecost and how even after Jesus’ return to heaven, the Disciples were still blessed with his presence through the form of the Holy Spirit.
English: Year 4 have continued to write their own Creation Stories this week, inspired by the Aboriginal dreamtime stories. The class have been using a variety of rich vocabulary to convey emotions and to paint a picture of their version of the creation of earth.
Maths: Year 4 have continued exploring equivalent fractions this week, using their multiplication and division knowledge to understand the links between different fractions that have different numerators and denominators but are equal to one another.
Science: Year 4 spent their Science time revising their previous learning in their Science, applying all of their knowledge so far to reason and problem solve.
Geography: Year 4 have continued to investigate their local environment, discussing the different types of Geography in Blackpool and locating these on an interactive map. Year 4 then thought about grouping the examples of human geography into commercial, residential, industrial and recreational.
Spanish: Year 4 have been writing emails this week, presenting themselves including their name, age and how they are feeling.
Art: Year 4 have been exploring Aboriginal art this week including analysing the colours and shapes used, the imagery that is shown in their artwork and interpreting the stories in which the indigenous art tells us.
PE and PSHE: Year 4 have continued working hard this week on being a team, particularly taking part in activities that requires every individual to do their bit and work together in order for a task to be completed successfully.
Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.
Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.
Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check: a simulation for the Year 4 check in June.
Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.
Congratulations to our award winners this week!
Golden Award - Hallie
Maths Award - Connie
Writing Award - Lola Mae
A big thank you from Miss Whitehead and Mrs Dunford!