Year 4 have been working very hard in their DT and Science work today, building their very own torches. Year 4 have been evaluating different torches recently, investigating the features that make a torch a useful piece of equipment such as being lightweight, brightly coloured and a small size.

Year 4 exceeded all expectations in creating their own, unique torches, independently creating fantastic pieces of equipment that could be used to produce and reflect a source of light.

Year 4’s Learning This Week:

English: Year 4 spent this week gathering powerful verbs and nouns as well as a broad range of adjectives and adverbs to aid in writing an independent, powerful creation story.

Year 4 then started to write their introductions to their creation stories, including introducing their creator character and their first setting.

Maths: Year 4 have started to explore tenths and hundredths this week, demonstrating how to represent tenths and hundredths pictorially as well as comparing the two concepts.

Year 4 then went on to explore equivalent fractions towards the end of the week, using fraction walls to prove that some fractions have different numerators and denominators however they have the same value as one another.

RE: Year 4 have been revising the different pieces of scripture that show us Peter’s denial of Jesus three times. The class then compared it to other stories in the Bible that show us Peter’s love for Jesus to truly understand how truly sad Peter’s denial was after loving Jesus so deeply for so long.

Science: This week, Year 4 started thinking about their new Science topic; States of Matter.

Year 4 have been exploring and grouping different examples of solids, liquids and gases. The class then learnt all about the different ways in which particles move and behave.

Spanish: Year 4 have been practising how they can ask someone how old they are and give a response according to their age.

PE: Year 4 have continued playing games that develop their trust in one another, their team work and their communication skills.

PSHE: Year 4 have been working hard on exploring their emotions in a safe and healthy way this week, recognising that it is ok to share their thoughts and opinions in a positive way.


Please make sure you are reading at home regularly and recording this in reading records.

Please make sure you are practising times tables on TT Rock stars and The Daily Ten on Topmarks regularly. Hit the Button on Topmarks is also a fantastic resource for times tables practise.

Another good resource for times tables is the Pinpoint Mathematics times tables check: a simulation for the Year 4 check in June.

Times tables booster club will continue weekly on Fridays until 4:10pm.

Congratulations to our award winners this week!

Golden Award - Mia and Alexander

Maths Award - Corben

Writing Award - Hallie

A big thank you from Miss Whitehead, Mrs Dunford and Mrs Connolly!

AuthorKatie Whitehead