We have had a lovely week and have been working extremely hard.  We have been focusing on what Jesus taught us and how we can be good disciples of Christ.

We have also changed our learning partners this week.  The children have been brilliant and have adapted really well to their new partners.

Maths – This week we have been looking at fractions.  We have been exploring fractions of amounts by dividing by the denominator and multiplying by the numerator.  We have also been finding equivalent fractions and simplifying them.

English – In English we have planned and written our own version of the Bogeymen and the Trolls next door.  We used the text to come up with our own ‘spin-off’ story where the Trolls and the Bogeys faced another problem. 

RE – This week we have been looking at Jesus’ teachings. We looked at Jesus’ quotes from the Bible and explained what Jesus meant by them.  We then came up with ideas of how we can use Jesus’ teachings to change our behaviour.

Science – We undertook an ‘Hearing enhancer experiment’.  The children created a small and large cone out of paper and their partner spoke to them through it.  The children then decided which hearing enhancer made their hearing better. 

Geography – We have been investigating Food miles this week.  We looked at different foods and calculated the miles they have travelled to end up on our plate.  We then explored the positives and negatives of importing food.


On Monday afternoon we are having a cricket coach coming in to teach the children how to play cricket.  With this being said, we will have PE on Monday and Tuesday next week rather than Tuesday and Wednesday.

Some of the children forgot their instruments this week.  Please could all parents make sure their child has their instrument in school on Thursday for their clarinet or flute lesson.  Thankyou

I spoke to the children earlier in the week to remind them about the presentation and standard of homework being sent in. I appreciate that the children are busy at the weekends but some work has been hard to read. Please can you ensure that the children are completing their homework neatly. Thankyou

Award Winners

Maths Award – This week the Maths Award went to Elliot.  Elliot is a brilliant mathematician and works extremely hard in each lesson.  This week Elliot has blown me away with his explanations of different concepts.  Well done Elliot!

Star Writer – This week the Star Writer award went to Nathaniel.  Nathaniel has blown me away this week with the hard work and effort he has put into his writing.  The story he wrote was incredible and had not one but two problems in it leaving the reader on a cliff-hanger.  Well done Nathaniel!

Golden Award – The Golden Award went to Hallie.  I have noticed, especially over the last couple of weeks, how kind and considerate Hallie has been towards others.  She has praised other children’s successes and supported them when needed.  Well done Hallie!  


Maths – I have sent home a fraction of amounts sheet this week.

English – page 65 and 66 questions 4, 5 and 6.

Spellings for quiz on 31/01/20

Times tables - 9 times tables for quiz on 31/01/20

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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