What a busy and exciting week we have had.  We have been working extremely hard on learning our times tables and have had a few ‘times table challenges’ in class.  The children’s times table knowledge is incredible all the hard work is really paying off.  Well done Year 4!

On Wednesday Dan Worsley came in to do a writing workshop with the children.  We explored a piece of text he had written about an alien and collected a few ideas for our own writing.  We then looked at the vocabulary we can use to show people how we were terrified when the alien appeared.

 Maths – This week we have been looking at subtracting 3-digit and 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers.  We have also been exploring how we can multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.   

English – We have continued looking at the story of ‘The Bogeymen and the Troll next door’.  We looked at how it was written in first person and what evidence we had to support this.  We also looked at how the story would change if it was written from a different point of view.

 RE – We have been exploring the story Simeon and the presentation of Jesus at the temple.  We looked at Simeon’s behaviour and gave reasons for his actions. 

 Science – This week we have continued with our ‘Sound’ topic and have been investigating how humans hear.  We then looked at how animals hear and gave reasons for why some animals can hear better than humans.   

 Geography – In Geography this week we have looked at seasonality and the benefits and limitations of this.  We also explored how some food come from field to fork. 


On Wednesday I sent out a letter regarding our trip to Old Holly Farm if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thankyou

Award Winners

Maths Award – This week the Maths Award went to Mia.  Mia’s confidence in Maths have increased greatly.  She always has her hand up ready to answer questions and her explanations are incredible.  Well done Mia!

Star Writer – This week the Star Writer award went to Sienna.  Sienna wrote a beautiful two paragraphs based on the work we had done earlier in the week with Dan Worsley.  The vocabulary she used was incredible showing she was scared rather than telling the reader that she was scared.  Well done Sienna!

Golden Award – The Golden Award went to Isabella.  She is such a positive role model not only for Year 4 but for the entire school.  She is hardworking, kind and considerate all the time.  Well done Isabella!


 Maths – I have sent home a column subtraction word problem sheet this week.

 English – Page 64 (Paragraphs) Questions 1,2, and 3.

Spellings for quiz on 24/01/20

Times tables - 8 times tables for quiz on 24/01/20

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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