We have had another busy week in Year 4.  We have been working really hard on our column subtraction in Maths and recounts in English.  We have also been delving a little deeper into our text ‘The Butterfly Lion’ which we are focusing on in Guided Reading.  We have been using both inference and retrieval skills to understand the characters and plot a bit better.

Maths – This week we have been focusing on column method for subtraction.  We have also started to look at 3 digits by 1 digit multiplication.

English – We have been looking at recounts and how they can be presented in different ways.  We compared 2 recounts and wrote our own about a lion entering the school playground.

Science – In Science we have been using our notes from our Invertebrate hunt to classify the invertebrate we found.  We identified the different features of our invertebrate and wrote the habitat where it was found.  

History – This week we have been looking at the Battle of Hastings and have begun to write our own newspaper report on it.

RE – We have been looking at the questions we wrote last week and have compared the answers our peers have to our own.

Important notice

We are collecting tokens as part of ‘The Sun’ newspaper Books for School campaign.  If we collect 3500 tokens we will be sent £600 worth of books.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thankyou.

Please can I ask all parents to make sure that they sign their child’s reading record as it is the only record we have of you child reading at home.

Award Winners

Maths Award – The Maths Award this week went to Sam.  Sam has blown me away with his work on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.  Well done Sam!

Star Writer – No Star Writing award this week.

Golden Award – The Golden Award this week was awarded to Isabelle.  Isabelle has blown me away this week with her hard work and effort in every piece of work.  Well done Isabelle!


Maths –page 25 (Written multiplication)

English – page 20 and 21 (Adverbial phrases as introductions)

Spellings (Quiz 6/12/19)

Recap of the 4 times tables (Quiz on 6/12/19)

The children need to be going on TT Rockstars at least once over the weekend please.  If anyone has any problems logging in please let me know.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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